20 Minute Cardio Workout For Those Who Don't Like Running
20 Minute Cardio Workout For Those Who Don't Like Running

People are born runners. Nature tried to make sure that our ancestors were able to chase prey for a long time and not die of hunger. Of course, now we do not need to run after mammoths, but millions of years of evolution just cannot be canceled. Plus, running is a great way to stimulate our cardiovascular system and help shed those extra pounds earned from an overwhelming sedentary lifestyle. But what if you don't like running? You can replace it with this 20 minute cardio workout.;)

20 Minute Cardio Workout For Those Who Don't Like Running
20 Minute Cardio Workout For Those Who Don't Like Running

In order to take a normal weight, you need not only strong muscles, but also a strong heart: muscles need a lot of oxygen. But, unfortunately, you can't pump your heart with a chest press. This can only be done with cardiovascular exercise.

Not everyone likes to run: many run simply because it is necessary. Some cannot bring themselves to go jogging for more than a week at all (then there is a lull until the New Year and new annual resolutions).

However, cardio is not the same as running. There are a huge number of different options, and today we offer you one of them.

So, in order to whip up your heart, you don't have to run circles as if you are preparing for a marathon. One great workout with a telling name will suit you - "Death at 10 meters."

What should be done

  1. Find a convenient piece of space 10 meters long in your gym, office or on the street - it doesn't matter where, the main thing is that it is without obstacles and its length is exactly 10 meters.
  2. Make marks on the floor to show start and finish. If you have nothing to measure the distance, just take 10 giant steps - you will not miss.
  3. Set a timer for 1 minute and run those 10 meters. Run, do not walk, as the rest of the minute will be set aside for rest.
  4. Start the timer again for a minute and run two 10-meter distances. Relax.
  5. Then increase the number of 10-meter runs in a minute to three, and so on.

You must keep increasing the number of 10-meter runs you run every minute. That is, it is advisable to cram as many segments as possible in 1 minute. Once you've gone beyond a minute, your cardio workout is over.

You do not need to touch the floor while running, as you do in shuttle running. You just have to watch out for the mark and turn around.

This workout only seems easy when you read about it. Well, in the first 10 minutes it will also be easy, but then … So we can assume that the first 10 minutes is a warm-up, and the remaining 10 minutes is a hell of a job. Starting from about the eighth minute, you will have less and less time to rest, and by the tenth minute, these intervals will begin to rapidly turn into nothing.

For many, problems begin at the 13th or 14th minute of training, when just running turns into a sprint and after physical fatigue, thoughts like “Why do I need all this at all?”, “Maybe it’s better to stop?”, “For the sake of why am I putting up with it now”and so on.

The desire to surrender appears somewhere in the 16th minute for beginners and at the 18th for more experienced athletes. And this starting point is really important, because it is in those minutes when it is hardest for us that the systems of our body are included in the work at full capacity.

The main thing here is to hold out until the end, since the 18th and 19th minutes are separated by only 60 seconds. And the 19th and 20th too. And even if you could not run the next 10 meters in a minute, it's okay. This means that in the next period you will try to bring the result to a whole value. After all, this is what separates boys from men.;)
