How an athlete can protect joints
How an athlete can protect joints

Joint damage is one of the most common injuries in athletes. Beginners suffer from improper exercise technique, amateurs and professionals from high loads. Chondroprotective drugs should help. Let's figure out what it is.

How an athlete can protect joints
How an athlete can protect joints

Why do athletes have joint pain? Heavy loads, especially uneven ones (when you sit at the workplace all day and then exercise too actively in the gym or on the treadmill), create a lot of pressure on the cartilage tissue. And with a lack of certain substances, the cartilage becomes defective much faster. Plus, with high mechanical loads on the joint, a high quality of the joint fluid is required, which plays the role of a lubricant when the joint moves.

The cartilage itself consists of chondrocytes, chondroblasts (these are cells) and intercellular substance. For everything to work, the cells must be updated. And for this it is necessary that the body has enough building material for cells. It is he who is delivered by chondroprotectors.

Chondroprotectors are drugs that have a positive effect on cartilage tissue. In particular, they protect it from destruction due to high loads.

Chondroprotectors contain natural components that are included in the articular cartilage. They increase the ability of cartilage tissue to resist external influences and anabolic processes.

What are chondroprotectors

The main substances that are called chondroprotectors:

  • Chondroitin sulfateis responsible for the strength of cartilage, the formation of hyaluronic acid and even for anti-inflammatory processes in the tissue. Its use inhibits the aging of joint tissues. This substance is synthesized in the body and obtained from animal tissues.
  • Glucosamine sulfatehas a similar effect, improves the quality of joint lubrication and stimulates metabolic processes in the cartilage. By the way, it can be obtained from plant materials.
  • Hyaluronic acid- a substance that is necessary for the quality of the joint fluid.

Often there are drugs that include more than one active substance, they are called combined.

To accept or not to accept

Usually, chondroprotectors are prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for joint diseases. This means that if you already have something hurting, then doctors never limit themselves to chondroprotectors. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the pain, and at the same time to support the cartilage.

From the fact that you absorb the supplements and drugs in batches, new tissue will not grow. You can only help what you have.

Therefore, it is logical to think about injury prevention before the pain makes itself felt.

Another question is that the effectiveness of chondroprotectors is an open topic. There are fewer studies that prove these drugs are not helping in any way than studies that show that they are effective. To be fair, research is usually about helping people with serious joint problems, not athletes looking to save their knees.

Doctors prescribe chondroprotectors and note that in practice there are improvements. In particular, theirs and the European Anti-Rheumatic League (EULAR), based on data from placebo-controlled studies.

How to use

If you nevertheless decide that you cannot do without support, then you need to decide on the form of application and dosage.

  • Injections. Leave them for difficult cases and for doctor's appointments.
  • Tablets and powders. A possible option, since chondroprotectors are available without a prescription. But one pill will not save - such drugs are used in courses in accordance with the instructions. But the doses still need to be agreed with the doctor. Despite the fact that chondroprotectors have few contraindications, and side effects are rare, there is no need to experiment on yourself.
  • Nutritional supplements. Some dietary supplements for athletes already contain chondroprotectors. The question is in the dosage: how many nutrients you get and how - depends on the composition in each case. In addition, such additives often do not pass the necessary checks, you have to take the manufacturer's word for it.
  • Ointments. Chondroprotectors do not penetrate well through the skin, so this will be the least effective way of delivering nutrients to the joints.

The effect of taking medications in different forms begins in 2–8 weeks and lasts for several months.

And if without drugs?

The elements necessary for cartilage are obtained from the cartilage itself or from the shells of mollusks (mainly). To do this "naturally", use the same cartilage, products with gelatin, jellied meat or rich meat broth. But, as a rule, the fat content and calorie content of such dishes takes them beyond the scope of a healthy diet.

From plant foods, you can lean on avocados and soybeans, but the amount of necessary substances in them is small.

Remember that sports without a balanced diet is only half of the health benefits. And if you are moving from just keeping in shape at least to amateur competitions, then you cannot do without consulting a doctor.
