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You can't do push-ups if you do it this way
You can't do push-ups if you do it this way

Iya Zorina warns: mistakes during the exercise take away the load from the muscles and can lead to injury.

You can't do push-ups if you do it this way
You can't do push-ups if you do it this way

Many people have terrible push-up techniques. I saw it when I went to karate, now I see it in the gym. Moreover, coaches often turn a blind eye to this: instead of correcting shortcomings, they say to do more or even put a barbell pancake on their backs!

Stop doing push-ups as your heart tells you to. Yes, this is a simple exercise, but if you do not master the basic aspects of the technique, it will be much less useful. Moreover, you can hurt yourself - earn pain in the shoulders and lower back.

Below we will break down the common mistakes in technique that turn a great exercise into a sad sight.

Half push-up

You only bend your elbows a little, so that at the lowest point of movement, the shoulders do not even reach parallel with the floor. As a rule, such push-ups are performed quickly and jerky. It looks terrible, greatly reduces muscle strain and slows down progress.

It makes sense to do this if you are punished for chatting in training or you bet for money that you will make a hundred per set. And then with a not particularly picky person.

If you want to get stronger and build your chest and triceps, full range is your best friend. In order not to bother with matchboxes and the angle of the elbow, just push up until your chest touches the floor.

Have touched - test. No touch is not considered. When you start doing push-ups correctly, the number of repetitions in the set will drop dramatically, but you will get much more benefit.


You wrap your hands inward with your fingers and extend your elbows to the sides perpendicular to your body, so that it looks like a T from above. This performance not only relieves the load on the triceps, but also makes the exercise dangerous for the shoulders.

With shoulder abduction more than 70 ° to the side, the acromioclavicular joint presses the supraspinatus tendon slightly. This happens every time you move your arm to the right / left or lift it up, and does not harm the joint in any way.

But if you do this very often or under stress - as during push-ups or bench presses, the tendon can become inflamed and the shoulder will begin to ache.

To avoid this, place your arms so that the angle between your shoulder and body is no more than 70 °.

Push-up ‑ wave

A person touches the floor, and then the chest goes up, the lower back flexes and the body returns back to the support while lying down in a terrible wave. Such an error can occur from fatigue, for example, if you perform a large number of push-ups in the approach and your hands can no longer cope. But many people do it the first time and think it's okay.

To correct the mistake, it is enough to strain the abs and buttocks and keep them that way until the end of the exercise.

True, this will not work if you do not have enough strength in your hands: they simply will not cope, and you will still rise in a wave.

If you can never do push-ups with an even body, simplify the exercise.

By arching your back, you create compression in the lower back. If your spine already suffers from constant sitting with improper posture, kinking and squeezing in the exercise can cause inflammation and pain in the lower back.

Do the simplified version on your knees, push up to a box, chair or footrest, try oblique push-ups on rings or hinges. Make the exercise easier, but do it right.

If you are worried about what people will think of you in the gym, believe me: a clear push-up from boxing or from your knees will look much better than indistinct twitching in half the range with a collapsed lower back. Not to mention, the correct execution technique will be much more effective and safer for your shoulders and back.
