Table of contents:

5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips
5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips

Iya Zorina introduces a new training format and warns: if you want to rest between exercises, you have to hurry up.

5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips
5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips

What is needed

Timer (regular, no intervals), rug.

How to do a workout

This month we are trying a new training format - EMOM (Every minute on a minute). You set a timer for 25 minutes (or less, depending on the number of laps you plan to do), from the beginning of the minute, do the first exercise a specified number of times, and rest the rest of the minute. From the beginning of the second minute, do the second exercise, and so on.

In five minutes, you will complete all five exercises, and then start over. In total, you need to complete five circles. There is no time to rest between circles - only what remains of the last minute.

Don't slow down! The faster you do the exercise, the longer you will rest.

You need to do the following exercises:

  • Jumps with a turn - 14 times (a triple jump and a turn are counted at one time).
  • Alternating legs in a lying position - 30 times.
  • A bunch of squats and lunges crosswise - 30 times.
  • Burpee - 10 times.
  • Touching the feet in the "crab" - 20 times (one touch - once).

How to do exercise

Jumping with a turn

In order not to get tangled in your legs, remember that the starting position is with your legs apart. Immediately place them wider than your shoulders and start jumping from this position. Try to turn both your hips and shoulders as you turn. You will feel the oblique abdominal muscles tighten.

Alternating legs in a lying position

Try not to rock the pelvis too much or to sink in the lower back during the alternation of the legs. If there is not enough stretch to place your foot close to the hand, do the exercise in your range and smoothly so as not to pull the muscles.

A bunch of cross squats and lunges

Squat in full range, below the parallel of the hips to the floor, try not to lift your heels off the floor or round your lower back. During lunges, take your leg back and cross, sit deeply, but do not touch the floor with your knee so as not to hit. Count both squats and lunges. The total should be 30 times.


Touch the floor with your chest and hips. You don't have to do push-ups: just lie down on the floor, and then, with a jump, substitute your legs, straighten up and jump out. If it is hard, do half a burpee: get up in the prone position, and from it with a jump, substitute your legs, straighten up and jump out.

Touching the feet in the "crab"

Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders for stability, turn your hands with your fingers to the sides. Do not lower your pelvis, keep it suspended.

If you have tested the suggested workout, please take a short survey. If you have questions about exercises or timing, write in the comments.

We have accumulated a lot of intense home workouts, and if you haven't tried them yet, it's time to do it.
