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How to train to stay in wreck at 40
How to train to stay in wreck at 40

Scientists have found a training method that rejuvenates the body at the cellular level.

How to train to stay in wreck at 40
How to train to stay in wreck at 40

How the body changes with age

There are several reasons why your body becomes more frustrating as you get older.

Muscle gets smaller

After 30 years, physically inactive people lose 3-5% of muscle mass in a decade, and after 50 years and even more - up to 15% in 10 years.

And more fat

Muscles consume a lot of calories, and when there are fewer calories, excess energy is converted to fat. In addition, testosterone decreases with age, which also contributes to weight gain.

The body as a whole is aging

As we age, the number and density of mitochondria - the power plants of our cells - and their ability to generate energy decrease. Because of this, muscles, heart, brain, liver and other organs are affected.

Joint problems begin

The risk of osteoarthritis, a disease of the cartilage tissue of the joint, increases. Cartilage becomes thinner, pain and stiffness appear.

Cognitive decline is felt

Decreases glucose metabolism in the brain. It ceases to receive the required amount of fuel and begins to perform its functions worse.

All of the above symptoms of old age can be overcome with exercise.

How to practice so you don't age longer

Choose High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

This is a workout that alternates between periods of high and low intensity. For example, one minute you do the exercise as fast as you can, and the next minute you rest or continue moving, but at a calm pace.

At the level of sensations, HIIT is when your heart pounds in your throat, you gasp for breath and it is really hard for you. But such suffering is not in vain, since HIIT works in several directions:

  1. It has a rejuvenating effect at the cellular level. Twelve weeks of regular HIIT sessions increase the mitochondria's ability to produce energy by 49-69%. Moreover, the older the person, the greater the positive effect. Scientists have suggested that if HIIT has such an effect on the mitochondria of muscle cells, then they may increase their effectiveness in cells of other organs.
  2. Protects against osteoarthritis. Since one of the causes of osteoarthritis is mitochondrial dysfunction, HIIT will be an excellent prevention of this disease.
  3. Protects against diabetes and obesity by improving insulin sensitivity.
  4. Promotes muscle building and weight loss by increasing free testosterone.
  5. Supports cognitive performance. Interval training improves glucose metabolism in the brain - in areas affected by Alzheimer's. Thus, they reduce the risk of cognitive decline in old age.

Engage in intense interval training at least twice a week. Keep in mind, however, that this is a grueling workout for healthy people without cardiovascular disease, obesity, or other problems.

If you are unsure about your health, consult your doctor before starting training.

Alternate loads according to the 80/20 principle

Since interval training is a serious challenge for the body, it is worthwhile to distribute the load according to the 80/20 principle. That is, 20% of interval training, 80% of less intense workouts, such as light cardio or strength training.

Let's say you study six hours a week. Of these, a little more than an hour needs to be spent on interval training and five hours on the rest of the activity. For example, you could do three 20 minute interval workouts and three 1.5 hour strength workouts.

Get some strength training

Power loads are simply necessary with age. Together with HIIT, they will help you maintain and increase muscle mass and maintain a normal weight.

In addition, strength training improves neuromuscular coordination. As a result, dexterity will increase and the risk of injury in everyday life will decrease. For example, slipping on a wet floor.

Start gradually, exercise regularly

If you haven't done it for a long time, don't do interval sprints or crossfit workouts. For an untrained person, regular brisk walking can become an interval. Try walking, swimming, or pedaling an interval training stationary bike. For example, according to the method.

When it comes to strength training, you can start by doing bodyweight exercises at home. Then, when the muscles are strong enough, and work out on simulators and with free weights.

Basically, it doesn't matter if you work out at home or in the gym, arrange intervals on the treadmill, in the pool or. The main thing is to do it on an ongoing basis. Most of the research on the benefits of HIIT and strength training is based on exercising regularly over several months. A one-time workout or occasional rare sessions will not have a positive effect. Exercise regularly and you will prolong the youthfulness of the body for years to come.
