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How to do an army press for strong and bulky shoulders
How to do an army press for strong and bulky shoulders

We analyze the technique of the exercise and the options for its execution.

How to do an army press for strong and bulky shoulders
How to do an army press for strong and bulky shoulders

What is an army press

The military press is a basic strength exercise in which the athlete squeezes the projectile from the chest up until the arms are fully extended, and then lowers it back. As a rule, this term means a standing barbell lift, but since the definition is not clear, the military can also be called a sitting chest press and a similar movement with dumbbells.

Until 1927, the standing chest press was the third competitive movement in weightlifting, along with snatch and clean and jerk. Now its popularity has fallen, both among athletes and among amateurs. And in vain, because it is a wonderful exercise that has many benefits.

What is good about the army press

Increases shoulder size and strength

The main work in the army press is performed by the front and middle bundles of the deltoid muscles covering the shoulder joint. According to a study using electromyography (EMG, measuring the electrical potential in a working muscle), the dumbbell version of this exercise is best for pumping the front of the shoulders.

Targets many muscle groups

In addition to target areas, the military press also works on the trapezoid, the posterior deltas, and the supraspinatus muscle - part of the rotator cuff. To stabilize the scapula, the rhomboid and serratus anterior muscles contract.

Also, in the lifting phase, the extensors of the back in the cervical and thoracic regions work, while lowering the barbell - the biceps and lats of the back. And throughout the movement, for the stability of the body, the rectus, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, as well as the buttocks, are strained.

Develops mobility of the shoulders and thoracic spine

To do the army press with the correct technique, you have to bend your shoulders strongly and bend in the chest under load. All of this develops the mobility of the shoulder joints and upper back - areas that are often enslaved in people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Develops stability and protects against injury

The joint tension of the serratus anterior and mid-trapezium helps stabilize the scapula and protects against impingement, a condition in which inflammation and pain in the shoulder joints increases.

In addition, the military press increases the stability of the body and back when lifting weights overhead, which helps to avoid injury in sports and everyday life.

Doesn't require a long learning curve

The bench press is not as technically difficult as the snatch, clean and jerk, or even the jerk, and therefore even beginners can quickly master and successfully apply it in training.

Flexibly adapts to any goals

By varying the number of repetitions and weight, this exercise develops strength, increases muscle mass and works on strength endurance. In addition, by changing the pace of execution, the army press can be used to develop power, and by alternating free weights and the duration of the phases, it can be used to overcome plateaus in building strength and muscle size.

Who Shouldn't Do the Army Press

This exercise is not suitable for those who have pain in their wrists, shoulders, or elbows. In case of any diseases of these joints - osteoarthritis, impingement syndrome, problems with tendons and ligaments, injuries - first consult with a sports doctor and tell the coach about all the points.

It is also worth doing the army press with caution for problems with the lumbar spine. If the bar remains in front of the body at the highest point, a large load is created on the lower back, which can lead to injury.

What type of army press to choose for your goals

There are several options for this exercise: standing and sitting, with a barbell or dumbbells. Each of them is good in its own way, and the choice depends on your goals.

To squeeze more weight

As a rule, the working weight in the exercise with the dumbbells is 7% less than with the barbell. First, removing the barbell from the racks is easier than lifting the dumbbells to shoulder level. Secondly, by squeezing the bar, you do not waste energy on stabilizing the weight in your hands.

For maximum results, try the seated barbell press. This way your body uses fewer muscles, which means you can do more. The difference in weight will be about 10%.

To load more muscle groups

While you can squeeze heavier weights while sitting, standing work puts more stress on your entire shoulder girdle. The greatest activation of the deltoid muscles occurs during training with dumbbells, triceps and biceps - with a barbell.

What's more, the bench press generally uses more muscles, which increases the energy consumption of the exercise and teaches the body to move in a coordinated and efficient manner.

To take the strain off your back

Pressing the barbell and dumbbells while seated reduces the load on the lower back. Therefore, if you have spinal problems, perform this movement with your back pressed against the bench.

To remove the imbalance

It often happens that one hand is slightly behind the other in strength. By working with a barbell, you can transfer the load to a stronger limb, which often happens. But if you take dumbbells, both hands will work the same way, which will avoid imbalance.

To build up your shoulders faster

An army press with dumbbells loads the shoulders better than the same weight with a barbell. This is due to instability: the body has to include more muscle fibers. But at the same time, it cannot be said that dumbbells are definitely better pumping the shoulders, since you can take less weight than when working with a barbell.

For optimal load on the shoulders and constant progress, it is advised to alternate free weights at long intervals. For example, you can do an army press with a barbell for 8-12 weeks and then replace it with a dumbbell version.

How to warm up before an army bench press

In addition to the standard warm-up before strength training, do some specific exercises. This is especially important if you have a stooped back and round shoulders.

Kneeling body rotation

Sit on your heels, place your right forearm on the floor, and put your left hand behind your head. Lower your left elbow closer to the floor, and then turn your body as far as possible to the left, so that your chest "looks" into the wall to your side. Make sure that the pelvis remains in place while doing this.

If you lack mobility, lean on the palm of your hand instead of your forearm and move within the available range. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Stretching the shoulders and chest with a stick

Use a lightweight PVC or wood stick. Get on your knees 20-30 centimeters from the pedestal and lower your pelvis to your heels. Take a stick with a reverse grip shoulder-width apart and place your elbows on the pedestal. Pull your chest down, stretching your mid-back and shoulders. Then arch your back in an arc and pull your chest again, trying to lower it lower. Do 8-10 of these movements.

Dynamic shoulder stretch

Take a stick with a wide grip, raise your straight arms in front of you and move them behind your back without bending your elbows. Do the same in the opposite direction. Repeat 4-5 times.

Warm up with weight

Before doing an army press with a working weight, you need to warm up with lighter shells. Start the exercise 5-8 times with an empty bar, then increase the load by 5-10 kg depending on the working value.

For example, if you are doing an army press with a 30 kg barbell, you can do 5 times with an empty bar, then 3 times with a 25 kg bar and a working set. If you plan to lift 50 kg, then 5 times with a bar, 3 times with 30 kg, 2 times with 40 kg and a working approach.

If you are doing a dumbbell press, calculate the weights so that there are no more than five warm-up sets, otherwise you risk overworking the muscles before starting the main work.

How to do an army press with a barbell

How to take the starting position

Adjust the racks so that the bar is just below your shoulders. Then you don't have to stand on your toes or squat hard to transfer it to your chest.

Grasp the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Position the bar so that it rests in the palm of your hand, at the base of your thumb. Do a small dip and lift the bar off the racks. Bend your upper back, direct your chest up, and bring your elbows slightly forward, beyond the barbell line.

The bar should touch the top of the shoulders and chest. Place your forearms parallel to each other and perpendicular to the bar, do not spread your elbows to the sides.

Take a step back first with one and then with the other foot to go beyond the line of the stances. Place your feet at the same width as you would normally squat with a barbell (something in between shoulder and hip width).

Distribute your weight evenly over your entire foot, making sure the bar is over the laces of the shoe. Take a deep breath and tighten your abs as if someone were about to punch you in the stomach. This will provide rigidity and stability to the body and protect your back from injury.

How to do the standing movement

Lift the bar up. When she walks past her face, pull your head back slightly, pressing your chin into you. This is necessary in order for the bar to follow straight up and not forward. Movement along such a trajectory will facilitate the exercise and will not overload the lower back.

Once the bar is past the head, move your neck forward, under the barbell, so that at the top it is behind your head, in line with your shoulders, shoulder blades and pelvis. Straighten your arms and lock your elbows.

After that, lower the barbell back to your chest, taking your neck back again. Do not let the bar go forward so as not to overload the lower back.

Place the barbell on your chest and repeat the movement from the beginning without pausing. Make sure that the balance always stays in the middle of the foot, and does not shift onto your toes or heels.

How to do the sitting movement

For this option, in addition to racks or a power rack, you will need a bench. Lock the uprights so that the bar is overhead behind when you are seated. Place the back of the bench at a right angle.

Sit down, push your feet to the floor, press your upper back and butt against the bench. Place your hands behind your head, grab the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders, remove it from the racks, lock your elbows and move the bar to an overhead position.

Lower the barbell until it touches your chest and squeeze it up again. Repeat the exercise, observing all the technical points for the standing press.

How to do an army press with dumbbells

How to do the standing movement

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, press your feet to the floor, turn your toes slightly to the sides. Pick up dumbbells, bend your elbows and lift the shells over your shoulders. Rotate your wrists forward with your fingers as if you were holding a barbell.

You do not need to place your elbows clearly on the sides, instead, bring them slightly forward. This will make your shoulders more comfortable and safer. The video below shows the correct position in the bench press, but the essence does not change from this - in the exercise standing it is exactly the same.

Straighten and lower your shoulders, tighten your abs and buttocks to provide rigidity to the body and remove unnecessary deflection in the lower back. Squeeze the dumbbells and bring them together slightly at the top of the movement, and then lower them back to the starting position.

Do it slowly and in a controlled manner. Do not press your shoulders against your ears, do not create excessive arch in the lower back.

How to do the sitting movement

Set the back of the bench at a right angle, sit on it and place the dumbbells on your knees. Pushing the shells with your hips, throw them in turn to the starting position over the shoulders.

Press your upper back against the bench, squeeze the dumbbells and bring them together at the top. Lower back to starting position and repeat.

How to incorporate military bench press into your workouts

Do the army press once a week, alternating with other shoulder exercises. This is a multi-joint movement that puts a lot of stress on the nervous system, so it's best to do it early in your workout, especially if you're lifting heavy weights.

Perform three sets, resting 2-3 minutes in between. The number of repetitions and weight depends on your goals:

  • If you are working for strength, do 4-6 times per set.
  • If you want to build muscle, do 6-12 reps.
  • If you are going to work on muscle endurance, do 12-20 times.

Pick up the weight in such a way that the last repetitions in the approach are given with difficulty, but at the same time the technique does not break: so that you do not have to arch your lower back or rise on your toes.

You shouldn't do an army press to muscle failure when you are physically unable to complete the rep. If you do the exercise while standing, poor technique can overload the lower back; if this exercise is seated, in the worst case, the bar will fall to your knees.

Therefore, adjust your weight to perform all your reps with perfect technique. At the end of the set, you should feel like you can do it 1-2 more times.

How to increase weights in the army press

Remember to increase your working weight periodically to make steady progress. You can use a simple scheme:

  • Choose the rep range you want, such as 4-6 reps to build strength.
  • For the first set, do 6 reps.
  • Add another 2.5 kg - hang pancakes of 1.25 kg on each end of the bar or take the next dumbbells by weight.
  • If in the second approach you managed to complete 6 repetitions, in the next one add another 2.5 kg or take heavier dumbbells. If you did less, work with this weight until you have 6 reps.
