How to change the past without the help of a time machine
How to change the past without the help of a time machine

Our mind is able to correct any information, including our past, no matter how unthinkable it may sound.

How to change the past without the help of a time machine
How to change the past without the help of a time machine

The past is a projection of our present views of the world. We change, our memories also change.

Each time a slightly different picture pops up in our memory. The mind changes and filters our memories.

Over time, they will certainly become different. Indeed, at different ages, we see the world in different ways. We perceive the past differently as our life experiences change.

We begin to be aware of ourselves differently. Surely many caught themselves thinking: "At 17 I was so stupid, now I won't make such mistakes!" But then we seemed to ourselves quite experienced and intelligent people. The point is in the different perception of the present and the past oneself.

The way we see our past directly affects our present.

If you look back with a smile, you become happier, healthier, and more successful. Even if there are negative points in the past, do not focus on them. This will lead to stress and depressive thoughts. Shape your memories yourself.

We can change the past simply by changing our attitude towards it.

We are able to look back and see past events in a new way. After all, the values that we attach to something in life are the only things that are subject to our control.

When something bad comes up again, try to look at it from a different angle. Think about the lesson you learned from this. Imagine how you would be now if not for past experiences.
