Table of contents:

7 reasons why men need feminism
7 reasons why men need feminism

At first glance, it seems that feminism is helping some women. Men also benefit from him.

7 reasons why men need feminism
7 reasons why men need feminism

1. You will not die at 55 from a heart attack in the workplace

Life expectancy for men in Russia (and not only.) Is shorter than for women, and the most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease.

It would seem, what does feminism have to do with it? And there is a connection.

While children are taught from birth that work is not a woman's business, and the boy must feed the whole family, working hard from morning to night, there is no choice. The girls go to wash the dishes, the guys go to plow.

It only gets worse. Girls do not need to learn math and physics, because "they are girls." It is enough for girls to work part-time as a consultant in a store, "she has yet to give birth." Girls cannot study difficult areas, they "cannot" (especially after they were forbidden to study and gain experience). Women cannot be leaders, the boss is a man.

As a result, men have to work very hard. Both for myself and for the woman. There is no time left for health care. In addition, men live in constant stress to meet the "gold standard" of male behavior, and this increases the chance of dying from a heart attack. …

Women can handle it, seriously. And they will greatly relieve you, men.

Stop telling yourself and those around you that women do not have the ability, and you will notice that it becomes easier. Let others work and live longer.

2. She will not crash your car

First, because she will have her own. If women are paid as much for the same job as men, they will buy themselves a vehicle and will scratch it already.

Secondly, because you can't drive badly. And no excuses like: "I'm a girl, I can." No, behind the wheel - so behind the wheel. It is necessary to study according to uniform standards, despite the delirium about the inability to drive a car.

Thirdly, because no type decides to teach a "woman driving" a lesson and does not create an emergency situation on purpose.

But this, of course, is only somewhere in the future of victorious feminism.

3. You will have sex

Normal healthy sex without the game "Guess if she agrees", without the need to buy intimate gifts and obligatory outings to restaurants. You will have sex because you will meet an interesting woman and you will like each other.

We have already written about how sex was a currency. For those who are too lazy to read the entire article: relatively recently, and less than a hundred years have passed, sex inevitably led to the birth of a child. Since then, there has been an attitude towards intimacy as a forbidden fruit, not available to everyone. And a woman who risked her health and financial situation due to pregnancy could not admit that she loves sex and enjoy it. After all, the pleasure is not for long, and the child is forever.

Times have changed, but attitudes towards sex have not. Women cannot just love men.

A woman needs to get a man to get attention, get confirmation of his ability to pay, and then behave in such a way that no one would ever guess that you love sex. Otherwise, they will call them a whore and publicly censure (I'm not only talking about grandmothers at the entrance now). It doesn't matter how many partners there were, the main thing is to keep the price of sex high.

Maybe it's time for both sexes to relax? Make love, not war. Give the woman control over her life and see how the relationship becomes easier.

4. It is not necessary to get married

This plus directly follows from the previous one.

Feminism fights to ensure that women become independent, both economically and socially. When you can get money at work (and not from your husband), and every first person does not ask when you will get married, then the registry office is no longer very attractive. Is that with a person with whom you really want to live happily ever after, have children, and so on. And not with the first beloved gentleman, because "the clock went off."

For men, this means that there is no hunt for their passports and marital status; you can choose a life partner at a calm and comfortable pace.

This is not to say that all women are still striving to get married at any cost, but it is stupid to deny the phenomenon.

5. You will have more friends

If you do not perceive a woman only as a sexual object (this is called objectification, and feminism is at war with her), then you will be able to be friends with her.

Just be friends, honestly. Discuss events in life, share events and experiences, ask for advice in matters where the girl is a specialist. Go to football, hang out at a bar, watch a movie, hang out at parties, borrow up to paycheck, spend the night when the house is being renovated. And that's all.

Friendship between a man and a woman happens, and it's great. Suddenly, it is among women that you will find a kindred spirit, and no one will ask when you will sleep.

6. You can work as anyone

Even a teacher of Russian language and literature or a nurse. No one will tell you that these are female professions in which real men have no place. Feminism assumes equal rights and responsibilities without contempt for gender. Work whoever you want, no questions asked.

7. You don't have to be a tough macho

A man, as you know, must be smelly, rude and unwashed. But at the same time, he must be a rich boss, otherwise what kind of a man he is.

These stereotypes are imposed from childhood, because boys do not cry, even if their beloved puppy is sick, and they are not afraid of anything (unless a dentist is a little possible). For non-compliance with the ideal, offensive nicknames are heard, and that's even if you're lucky. They can and beat, because a "real man" must be able to fight. …

Then this pattern is transferred to adulthood, you have to tear the veins. Well, if you don't want to, get a gut from your fellow men, who will remind you that you lost in the race to survive.

Gender stereotypes that feminists dream of crushing harm men as much as women. Needless to say, chasing other people's attitudes, men earn neuroses and complexes that they cannot even talk about? After all, a man should always be healthy and solve his problems without outside help.

The modern world is much more diverse than the traditional one. The old roles are no longer dogma. We are lucky to live in an era of change. It's time to make the world a little better. For both women and men.
