Table of contents:

25 ways to feel better on a bad day
25 ways to feel better on a bad day

Express help in case your mood is worse than ever.

25 ways to feel better on a bad day
25 ways to feel better on a bad day

1. Dance

Turn on your favorite music and remember the incendiary steps. Physical activity leads to the production of the hormone of joy endorphin, and pleasant melodies increase the mood.

How to learn to dance →

2. Go to bed

Lack of sleep increases Stress and sleep / American Psychological Association stress levels, and you may find it a bad day to be a normal day. Get a good night's sleep and life will sparkle with new colors. After all, we still remember from fairy tales that the morning is wiser than the evening.

3. Meditate, breathe deeply

Slow breaths in and out will normalize blood pressure and relax the body.

4. Draw your bad mood on paper

And tear the sheet into small pieces. If you don't have artistic talent, write about your failures, and then destroy the sheet of paper in the same way.

5. Put on your best outfit

If you are a woman, do some bright makeup too. Great looks will cheer you up.

6. Post a good selfie

Likes and compliments will make you smile and feel better.

7. Cry

Tears relieve psychological stress. If you don't feel like crying at all, sad and touching films will come to the rescue. For example, "Hachiko" and "Armageddon" have established themselves as films that are able to draw a mean tear from the most brutal representatives of humanity.

8. Compliment someone

By raising the spirits of the other person, you will feel better, too.

9. Compliment yourself

Surely you have something to praise yourself for. At the same time, remember that a bad day does not negate all your achievements.

9 Easy Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem →

10. Take a bath

Add foam, essential oils and possibly rubber ducks to it. Light the candles, turn on the music. Hot water can help you relax and relieve stress after a hard day.

7 Bath Products You Should Try →

11. Laugh

Sitcoms and compilations of funny pictures can revive your mood, as laughter stimulates the production of endorphins.

12. Sing as if nobody hears

A karaoke bar or your own apartment will do. Singing in a group will be especially effective. Research shows this triggers The Neuroscience of Singing / UPLIFT to release endorphins and oxytocin, which reduce anxiety.

13. Pet your pet

If you don't have a cat or dog, you can visit a friend who has one. Interaction with animals reduces the level of stress and aggression, relaxes. Scientists associate A. Beetz, K. Uvnäs-Moberg, H. Julius, K. Kotrschal. Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: the possible role of oxytocin / Frontiers in Psychology is with the production of oxytocin.

14. See pictures and videos of cute animals

It works in much the same way as contact with a real cat.

15. Have sex or masturbation

Orgasm is an easy way to experience pleasure and relaxation.

16. Go for a run or exercise

Physical activity makes you happier due to the increased production of endorphins.

17. Review the movie you loved as a child

Familiar shots will return the atmosphere of carelessness and comfort.

18. Have an unscheduled day off

Sometimes it's easier to go to work with a fever than in a bad mood. Allow yourself to cancel scheduled tasks and devote time to enjoyable activities.

19. Do something you're guaranteed to do well

You may be a great cook or lift a barbell with four times your weight. Engage in activities that are sure to please you.

20. Overcome fear

Decide on an activity that scares you. The release of adrenaline into the blood will bring a surge of vivacity and help to feel clarity of mind.

21. Read a book

Immersion in the world of literature relieves Reading ‘can help reduce stress’ / The Telegraph stress, reduces muscle tension and distracts from harsh reality.

22. Call someone who will support you

Words of sympathy will cheer you up and bring back the good mood you have lost.

23. Go on a date with yourself

Pop into your favorite cafe, go to an exhibition or a performance that you have been going to for a long time.

24. Make a list of reasons to be happy

Even if the checklist doesn’t bring you back in a good mood, it will remind you that, in general, life is not a bad thing.

25. Remember that troubles pass

The statement about the zebra-life set the teeth on edge, but it did not become less truthful. Behind the black stripe there will definitely be white.
