Table of contents:

9 questions we are afraid to ask ourselves
9 questions we are afraid to ask ourselves

You may not like the answers. But without this, you cannot develop as a person.

9 questions we are afraid to ask ourselves
9 questions we are afraid to ask ourselves

Why is it important to ask yourself questions? Let me demonstrate with an example. Tell me where are you?

I am sure there will be many answers: on the subway, at home, on a walk. However, something else is important. It is important that you pay attention to this. Until I asked the question, you sat quietly and glanced over the lines, thinking about yours.

In other words, the question drives our attention. He directs it to where it is most needed. Unfortunately, we don't often ask ourselves questions. Maybe because of habit, or maybe because we are afraid to be disappointed in the answers.

I have collected questions that bring us to important topics. Those that we prefer not to think about, but which are necessary for our development.

1. Why do I indulge my weaknesses?

We don't think about where our habits come from. It doesn't matter if it's harmful or beneficial. Over time, it seems that this is just a necessary part of life: smoking a cigarette or seizing sadness with a cake.

Unfortunately, most of our weaknesses are trying to drown out insecurities and neuroses. And without attention to them, one cannot approach the solution of problems.

2. Why didn't my life plans come true?

Everyone loved to dream as a child. What to become, what to achieve. Then we were extremely honest with ourselves and chose only what really attracted us. When was the last time you checked these plans?

It's sad to admit, but stability was above personal choice, and we equated desires with dreams. Therefore, one should not be surprised that they never came true.

3. What do I expect from life?

People are constantly waiting for something. Sometimes from life in general, sometimes from other people: "And why are people around them behaving differently as I intended?"

Let me tell you a secret: the only way to fulfill your expectations is to live up to them yourself. Are you waiting for justice? Be fair. Are you waiting for love? Love.

4. Why am I not getting things done?

The very fact that a person regularly puts things off is a sign of intense insecurity. He thinks that he will either fail, or it will turn out badly. Nobody likes to admit it.

Although there is still a third option - he does not like this business. But then why start?

5. What have I done today to make my life easier?

We are afraid of this question, because often the answer is "nothing." A routine that repeats a boring scenario prevents us from enjoying life. But happiness lies in details, small deeds that are highly valued. You just need to add them to the schedule.

6. Why am I holding on to what is time to leave behind?

Grievances and mistakes of the past - there are people who cannot live a day without not remembering them to someone. This is an easy way to shrug off responsibility. “I’m not like that, life is like that.” Sound familiar?

To hold on to what has been is to miss out on opportunities now.

7. Do I like myself?

The question underlying self-esteem. It is easy to answer it once, but the effect is only given by regularity. Easy to please yourself in a suit and tie. It's harder to do this by looking at your flaws.

The point is, flaws are you too. All your habits, principles, ideas. There is nothing superfluous. So why deny it?

8. Am I responsible for what I have?

Why is my profession? Such a relationship? The answer "Because this is my choice" deprives us of the right to complain.

This is clear from the example of relationships. Here you choose a partner for the best qualities, but do not tolerate his shortcomings. It turns out that you only love the part of the person with which you are comfortable. But you all chose.

Life is the sum of your choices. Respect them.

9. How do I live?

The most difficult question. You need to ask yourself regularly and regularly give an honest answer.

Our behavior every day is a miniature reflection of our attitude to life. If today we succumb to anger, why do we believe that tomorrow we will get rid of it?

This question both brings you back to the present moment and shows you what to work on.


Practice kills fear. So ask yourself questions as often as possible.

Get started now. While you were reading, your options for the answers probably popped up in your head. Take five minutes to decide if they are good enough for you. And remember: sometimes the question is the answer.
