Table of contents:

How a systems approach can make your life easier
How a systems approach can make your life easier

It will help you succeed in almost every area of your life.

How a systems approach can make your life easier
How a systems approach can make your life easier

What is the system

When we are faced with a task, it is always tempting to resort to tricks, to take the shortest path. Many people do this. They look for quick fixes to most problems and end up having to start all over again. Quick results are short-lived and sometimes difficult to replicate.

But there is another way - to be consistent and create workable systems in different areas of life. A system is a collection of small steps, habits, and repetitive actions that make life easier and help you complete various tasks.

Why do you need a system

First, by introducing the system into what you do, you increase your productivity. This saves you time and energy.


Thomas Oppong Entrepreneur and Blogger

I am using a couple of productivity systems. I start the day with the tasks I picked last night, so I don't waste the morning building a to-do list. The free time is spent on the most difficult work. This system allows me to make full use of my brain for tasks that require deep concentration. I also use the sprint method and set aside about an hour in the morning to write.

Second, consistency and regularity increases your chances of long-term success regardless of short-term victories.

By following your plan, you are making progress every day. Let's say you want to improve your fitness. A regular 20-minute workout in the morning or evening is better than a one-time sprint or an hour in the gym whenever you like.

Even if you only exercise twice a week, you will be doing more for your health in the long run. To change any area of your life, you need to play long.

How to develop a system

  1. Decide what area of your life is missing a system. This could be, for example, your finances, health, or work.
  2. Define a big goal. What do you want to achieve: exercise regularly, become more financially successful, or find time for your personal life?
  3. Write it down and identify the small steps that you need to consistently take every day, week, month. You can mark when to pay bills or deposit a percentage of income into your investment account.
  4. Measure your results every couple of months. Change or update the order of actions to make more progress. Reconsider the system if your actions do not lead to the desired results.
