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5 ideas of what to see instead of the President's New Year address
5 ideas of what to see instead of the President's New Year address

Start the new year with positive emotions.

5 ideas of what to see instead of the President's New Year address
5 ideas of what to see instead of the President's New Year address

1. Play your favorite movie

For some, the ideal New Year's movie is "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", and for others - "Die Hard". And you might even want to watch a movie that has nothing to do with the winter holidays. Anyone will do, the main thing is that he gives a good mood or evokes pleasant memories.

2. Watch the holiday episode of your favorite TV series

Many TV shows have New Year and Christmas episodes that perfectly capture the holiday atmosphere. But if you have a favorite episode that you never get tired of watching, you can turn it on and celebrate the new year with the Simpsons, Friends or Interns.

3. Find an inspiring YouTube video

You can listen to a motivational speech from a celebrity, such as any engaging TED talk, a favorite comedian's monologue, or even advice on how.

Or maybe you want to learn from Vyacheslav Polunin how to stay happy every day. In his speech, he tells how to be in love with the world, accumulate happy moments and turn everyday into festive.

Or remind yourself on New Year's Eve that anything is possible and be inspired by the story of British pilot and adventurer Miles Hilton-Barber. Despite his blindness, he flew more than half of the world at the controls of an airplane. In a short video, he discusses how we limit ourselves and how to break out of this circle.

On YouTube, you can find a lot of other videos that motivate, for example. And even on the Spasskaya Tower, if you want to celebrate the New Year by all means accompanied by the chiming of the Kremlin chimes.

4. Turn your TV into a virtual fireplace

It seems that there is nothing more pleasant on a winter evening than looking at a burning fire and listening to the crackling of logs. When there is no way to light a real fireplace, the video version will replace it. On a large TV screen, the fire will look quite realistic and create a cozy atmosphere.

5. Musical show

A concert of your favorite performer, "Blue Light" from the 1990s or the classical ballet "The Nutcracker" - choose to your taste. Moreover, these options are easy to find on most streaming services. For example, in the list of concerts on or, in the music selection or in the top musicals on "".
