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8 common mistakes on a first date
8 common mistakes on a first date

To make a good impression and win over the other person, don't make these annoying mistakes.

8 common mistakes on a first date
8 common mistakes on a first date

1. Too serious expectations

Naturally, you look forward to meeting a nice person. But don't expect to start building a common future right away. Don't joke about your life together early in the evening. Do not make loud statements about the character of the interlocutor when you know almost nothing about him. “I think you’ll be a good father / good mother” is definitely not the phrase you want to hear on your first date.

2. Mentioning old grudges

Everyone has an unpleasant experience under their belt. But don't talk about old grudges on first dates. You can talk about them with a psychotherapist, but not with a potential partner. If all conversations revolve only around how insidious love is, the interlocutor will be on the alert and close.

3. Talking about politics

first date: talking about politics
first date: talking about politics

The situation in the world is now very tense. But don't dive into political debate right away. See if you can talk about it calmly. If it is important for you to weed out people with opposing political views, wait until the second date. If you really can't wait to talk about it, let the interlocutor at least calmly finish the first glass.

4. Obsession with yourself

Good conversation means that you both listen to each other, ask questions, and share something about yourself. But often one person is so carried away by his own story that he forgets to ask questions. Maybe he wants to impress by listing his accomplishments. Maybe he doesn't consider someone else's opinion worthy of attention.

Don't make that mistake again. Ask the other person and listen to his answers. This will make a good impression and learn more about your new acquaintance.

5. Closure

Some find it difficult to talk about themselves, but without it, the conversation will be one-sided. Be sure to share something. Someone will immediately transfer the conversation back to themselves. And someone will be glad that there is no need to look for a topic for conversation. For example, when there is an awkward pause, talk about your interests and hobbies.

6. Excessive persistence

first date: persistence
first date: persistence

If you are ready to have sex after the first date, do not pressure the other person. No one will be comfortable with someone who does not understand the word no. Be confident in yourself, but take rejection calmly. This behavior seems to be the most attractive.

7. Fuzzy intentions

Everyone expects something different from a date. As a result, misunderstandings often arise. Say what you want at the beginning of your acquaintance. It is not necessary to state this instead of greeting, but it is not worth delaying. Be honest about what you're looking for right now: no-strings attached, dating, or friendly sex.

8. Obsession

Let's say you like each other and decide to meet again. Behave naturally. Arrange a time and wait for the appointed day. Don't write a hundred messages a day, be friends on all social networks, and don't send your naughty photos. This behavior will end with the refusal of the new acquaintance from the second date.
