Why Deep Breathing Is Better For Your Health Than It Looks
Why Deep Breathing Is Better For Your Health Than It Looks

When we breathe deeply, our lungs expand to the maximum and the diaphragm works more actively. Why this is important (especially for adults), we will tell in this article.

Why Deep Breathing Is Better For Your Health Than It Looks
Why Deep Breathing Is Better For Your Health Than It Looks

In fact, when they talk about deep breathing, this should be understood literally: the air should descend into the lowest parts of the lungs. We are talking about diaphragmatic breathing, when the lungs expand to the maximum.

A small excursion into anatomy

The diaphragm is a domed muscle that serves as a septum between the chest and abdominal cavities (green line in the picture below).


Thanks to this arrangement, the diaphragm can significantly change the position of the internal organs.

On inhalation, as the diaphragm contracts, it clears space for the lungs to expand (respiratory function). In this case, the heart and kidneys are displaced downward, returning to the original upper position during exhalation. This movement is important for internal organs, as it improves blood circulation (cardiovascular function), and therefore, tissue nutrition and elimination of waste products.

The diaphragm also plays an important role in the movement of food through the esophagus (motor-digestive function).

The movement of the diaphragm affects all the surrounding organs: with each deep breath, you seem to massage them. The phrenic muscle also supports the spine.

Here is a short and succinct human aperture value.


Bruno Bordoni Physiotherapist, osteopath, researcher at the Institute of Rehabilitation Cardiology in Milan.

The diaphragmatic muscle, although it takes up little space, plays an essential role in the functioning of the body: in breathing using the maximum volume of the lungs, the formation of posture, blood supply to organs, the correct functioning of the pelvic organs, as well as the cervical and trigeminal nerve. The diaphragm affects the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. She controls the work of the whole organism.


In childhood, when we run, jump, scream, sing, the diaphragm receives a variety of loads and functions perfectly. But with age, the way of life becomes less and less mobile, and we are more restrained in the manifestation of emotions. The tone of the diaphragm decreases. In an adult, the normal range of its displacement (up to 12-15 centimeters) is usually reduced by half or even more.


The diaphragm is just a muscle that you can tone up. Here are a couple of easy exercises.

1. Attention to the stomach

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach and breathe as deeply as possible so that while inhaling, the stomach puffs up and the chest does not change its position. Take 10 to 20 breaths. If you are used to breathing only with your chest, it will be difficult at first not to move your chest, but this skill is developed quite quickly - once you have a good feel for the diaphragm.

2. Focus on the chest

Inhale deeply with your chest so that your stomach is completely deflated. As you exhale, squeeze your stomach even more and breathe in again, pulling your abdominal muscles towards the spine. Relax on the next exhale. Repeat 10 times.

From the added bonuses of diaphragm development, you will get a strong voice that will give you a much more confident look and increase your self-esteem.
