Table of contents:

How to free up 20% of your time for important things
How to free up 20% of your time for important things

Improve personal efficiency by reducing unimportant tasks.

How to free up 20% of your time for important things
How to free up 20% of your time for important things

Entrepreneur and blogger Thomas Oppong shared how to distinguish between high and low value jobs. The second category includes things that only take up time and distract from important tasks. On the contrary, important tasks help to move towards long-term goals. This is, for example, working on a book you want to write or a company you want to start.

If you don't pay enough attention to what you are paying attention to, it will take away too much of your attention.

David Allen is the author of Getting Things Done Task Organization

To be as productive as possible, each task must be achievable and time-limited. Most importantly, it should move you towards your goals for the day, week, or month.

Decide what is most important to you and find the courage to say no to everything else with a smile and no excuse.

Stephen Covey organizational management consultant, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Turn off unnecessary notifications

Constant notifications are detrimental to productivity. Studies have shown that it takes an average of 23 minutes for concentration to fully recover after notification.

2. Check your mail at a designated time

By immediately responding to every email you receive, you are adjusting to the needs of others. Control your time and focus on the work that is of value to you.

Job messages should be short and simple. If an issue cannot be quickly resolved in writing, approach a colleague in person or make an appointment. You will save yourself and others from long, annoying message threads.

Jocelyn Glay is the author of books on productivity and creativity.

3. Automate some of the tasks

Schedule frequently recurring tasks and use automation tools. This will free up time for more important activities.

4. Spend less time on things that are of no value

In this case, you will have to spend more energy to cope with them faster. As a result, more time will be left for important tasks.

5. Protect your work time from intrusion

Assess all the tasks and responsibilities you have during the day. Pick out the most important ones and take the time to work on them. Avoid activities that only create the appearance of employment, but do not have any value for your work and goals.

Say no more often. Don't let yourself get sucked into something you don't have time for.
