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How to Become a Genius: 6 Simple But Powerful Steps
How to Become a Genius: 6 Simple But Powerful Steps

This strategy develops mental abilities and helps to assimilate information more easily.

How to Become a Genius: 6 Simple But Powerful Steps
How to Become a Genius: 6 Simple But Powerful Steps

Most people have average IQs, they fluctuate somewhere between 80 and 119. We are used to thinking that this figure forever determines our mental potential, but this is not entirely true. “Intelligence can be developed and quite noticeably,” says psychologist Bryan Roche. - Those who claim that IQ does not change all their lives, in fact, mean IQ test results, they are really quite stable. But this does not apply to the level of intelligence, it can grow."

According to the author of books on the brain, David Shenk (David Shenk), the intellectual limits of a person at any age, in fact, cannot be determined. Everyone has the potential for genius.

The main thing is to get rid of the myth that giftedness can only be innate.

“Belief in innate talents and limits of opportunity is much easier on the psyche,” David writes in The Genius in All of Us. - For example, you think that you have not become a great opera singer, because physically you cannot become one, you are simply not so arranged. With such views, the world seems more comfortable, amenable to control. They release from the burden of expectations."

Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. It includes the ability to think, solve problems, remember information, and find creative approaches. Getting smarter is not just possible - it is quite achievable for you. But for this you need to be ready to put in effort.

1. Train your memory

For example, with the help of special exercises. Cognitive psychologist Susanne Jaeggi has found that a game called Problem N-Back increases agile intelligence. It is the ability to solve new problems that I have never encountered before.

During the game, you are presented with visual or sound images. You need to determine whether you have encountered the image that is currently in front of you, a certain number of steps back. This number is set in the conditions of the problem and is substituted for N. For example, in the problem "4-back" with numbers, you are looking for numbers that you saw four steps back.

1 3 5 8 18 4 5 3 6 46 2 8 1 9 7 8(numbers that need to be determined are indicated in bold)

Similar games are available online and in smartphone apps. Scientists say regular exercise improves memory and logical thinking.

2. Be open to new views

To do this, expand your circle of acquaintances and listen to the points of view of other people. Think of it as an exercise that builds your mental capacity and helps you notice new opportunities. Remember that learning is about exposing yourself to new information. Dating people can do just that, especially when their views contradict yours.

“Get rid of prejudices and listen to reasoning that seems meaningless to you,” Roche advises. "Try to find meaning in them."

3. Look for sources of motivation

According to Schenk, motivation is needed for extraordinary achievements and works of genius. “You have to want to achieve something so badly that you will never give up. So much so that you will be ready to sacrifice time, money, sleep, friendship, even reputation,”writes David.

Motivation can be positive or negative, external or internal. Anything can be its source - inspiration, despair, regrets and dreams. Look for your sources and develop.

4. Do cardio workouts

During them, you breathe more often, your heart also beats faster. As a result, more blood and oxygen flows to the brain. And this leads to the formation of new nerve cells, including in areas of the brain associated with memory and thinking.

Cardio also increases the production of neurotrophins, proteins that keep neurons alive. This improves the plasticity of the brain, which means memory and learning. In addition, exercise in the brain releases more neurotransmitters, especially serotonin and norepinephrine, which have a positive effect on information processing and mood.

5. Play computer games

This is not only a way to have a good time. Scientists have found that video games help form connections between neurons in specific regions of the brain. For two months, some participants played Super Mario 64 for 30 minutes daily, while others did not devote time to any video games. When the researchers compared the brain states of the two groups, gamers had more gray matter in the brain regions that are responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation and strategic planning.

In addition, computer games help fight age-related changes in the brain.

Researchers have proven this with a custom-built 3D racing game. Participants aged 65–85 played it several times over the course of a month. As a result, they have improved concentration and short-term memory, which usually deteriorate with age.

6. Meditate

Scientists have shown that mindfulness meditation increases the plasticity of the brain. Study participants meditated for 20 minutes for five days, concentrating on breathing, visualization, and posture. After that, their attentiveness and agile intelligence improved.

In addition, meditation reduces cognitive rigidity, that is, inertia, inflexibility of thinking. Usually we get used to using only one approach to the situation, but it is already difficult for us to look at the case from the other side. We don't notice simple new solutions because thinking ceases to be flexible. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to develop the "beginner's mind", that is, to look at everything with new eyes.
