Table of contents:

Mental rest: why is it needed and how to arrange it
Mental rest: why is it needed and how to arrange it

We overload ourselves and prevent the brain from recovering, and this affects mood, memory and productivity.

Mental rest: why is it needed and how to arrange it
Mental rest: why is it needed and how to arrange it

Why rest is important

We overload the brain with information

During the day, the brain processes incoming information and conversations for hours. If you don't let it relax, your mood, performance and health will suffer. Therefore, mental rest is so necessary - periods when you do not concentrate and do not interact with the outside world, but let your thoughts soar in the clouds.

Now we spend less and less time on this kind of relaxation. “People treat themselves like machines,” says Matthew Edland, director of the Florida Center for Circadian Medicine. "They regularly overload themselves and overwork."

We think the best way to be successful is to be as productive as possible. But this approach can lead to the opposite result.

Think back to the zombie-like state that you get into after a long work meeting or a crazy day spent in hassle. You barely understand, forget important things, make mistakes and end up doing less than you intended. The constant stressful rhythm of life affects productivity, creativity and happiness.

“The brain needs to rest,” says Stuart Friedman, author of books on leadership and work / personal life. "After a break in mental activity, creative thinking works better, it is easier for you to make decisions, you start to enjoy your work."

We prevent the brain from recovering

The brain has two main modes of operation. The first is action-oriented. Thanks to him, we concentrate on tasks, solve problems, process incoming information. It is involved when we work, watch TV, scroll through Instagram or otherwise interact with information.

In addition, there is a network of passive brain mode (SPRRM). It turns on when we are inactive, daydreaming, or immersed in ourselves. If you have read the book and suddenly noticed that you do not remember the last two pages, it means that your SPRRM has become active and you are thinking about extraneous things. You can stay in this state for hours, for example, while walking in the woods.

SPRPM needs to be used every day to help the brain repair itself. According to neuropsychologist Mary Helen Immordino-Young, thanks to SPRRM, we consolidate information, understand ourselves and what is happening in our life. It is associated with wellness and creativity.

It is the SPRRM that needs to be thanked for the spontaneous solution of a problem that was not given to us until we were distracted from it. According to researchers, writers and physicists have at least 30% of their creative ideas when they are engaged in something unrelated to work. In addition, SPRRM plays an important role in the formation of memories. This happens actively just before falling asleep.

How to give yourself mental rest

Breaks should be taken several times throughout the day. Stuart Friedman advises resting roughly every 90 minutes, or when you start to feel exhausted, can't concentrate, and are stuck in work. “Above all, stop thinking that relaxation is a luxury that undermines your productivity,” says Immordino-Young. Just the opposite.

Do something that doesn't require mental effort

Washing dishes, working in the garden, walking, cleaning and other similar activities are fertile ground for activating the SPRMM. Usually we are ashamed to sit back and hang in the clouds, and during such cases, it is just possible to mentally relax.

Put your phone down

Most people pick up the phone just out of boredom, but this habit makes it impossible to relax. Try to move your smartphone away and not be distracted by it. For example, when you are standing in line or waiting for someone. Notice how you feel about it. Most likely, at first you will be nervous, but soon you will begin to pay attention to the world around you or immerse yourself in your thoughts.

Spend less time on social media

Social media is the main enemy of mental relaxation. In addition, they create the wrong idea of someone else's life, because we see only the perfect picture. All this, together with the upsetting news, is stressful.

For several days, track how much time you spend on social networks and how it makes you feel. Limit the time in them, for example, to 45 minutes a day. Or narrow down your friends list, leaving only those you really enjoy hanging out with.

Be in nature more often

Walking in the park rejuvenates better than walking in the city. In an urban environment, we are constantly surrounded by distractions: traffic horns, cars, people. Singing birds, rustling leaves and other natural sounds, on the contrary, soothe. In such conditions, it is easier to relax and let go of your thoughts.

Notice the present moment

Try focusing on different muscles in your body. Give each muscle 10-15 seconds. Or, every time you drink something, pay attention to the taste and sensation. Such actions are a small break for the brain.

Do what you love

SPRRM activation is not the only way to mentally relax. It is also useful to do what you love, even if it requires concentration. For example, reading, tennis, playing a musical instrument, going to a concert will also help you recover. So think about what types of activities give you energy and don't forget to make time for them.
