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2 phrases to help you tackle the most frustrating tasks
2 phrases to help you tackle the most frustrating tasks

A Fast Company reporter shared a trick that helps her get started on unpleasant business.

2 phrases to help you tackle the most frustrating tasks
2 phrases to help you tackle the most frustrating tasks

Just repeat these two phrases.

1. "In time it will end"

In high school, I played on the soccer team. To warm up, we needed to run 100 meters in 17 seconds, and return back at a slower pace in 30 seconds. And so ten times in a row.

I have always looked forward to this moment with horror. It was very difficult to run. Everything hurt me. It was necessary to give all the best. But I knew that in order to get into the student sports team, I needed to train. Therefore, I changed my attitude towards this warm-up. Yes, every second is given to me with pain, but all this takes no more than 15 minutes. Come to think of it, it's not that long.

Before the warm-up, I told myself, “The next 15 minutes will be terrible. But time does not stand still. Before you have time to look back, 16 minutes have passed and everything will be over. I tried not to think about how hard it was for me, and imagined this sixteenth minute of freedom.

Remind yourself that in the end, everything will be left behind. But in order for the unpleasant business to end, you need to start it.

2. "I will feel much better when I do it."

After such a warm-up, I was like in seventh heaven. I felt fast, strong and, most importantly, free.

I use this approach in other situations as well. For example, if I'm going to go in for sports before work. It's tempting to take another half hour nap. But I know I will feel much better if I force myself to get up and work out.

This method is not only suitable for sports, but also for work. At the end of the day, it’s better to feel productive than to look at things on a list that you’ve never completed.

Imagine how you will feel when you finally cross the hateful thing off the list.

Don't put off unpleasant things. You will feel much better when you deal with them.
