20 things on your resume that no one cares about
20 things on your resume that no one cares about

We have collected in one place 20 common mistakes when creating a resume. Your employer is not interested in knowing where you worked 15 years ago or what your work mailing address is. And he certainly does not need a resume drawn up according to design rules that only you know. Read about the rest below.

20 things on your resume that no one cares about
20 things on your resume that no one cares about

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is important not only when meeting new people, but also when applying for a job. Unfortunately or fortunately, the first impression on the employer is not you, but your resume. And it would be better for him to be perfect.

We have already written about what should be in the resume according to the version of well-known HR managers. Now we want to share a translation about what should not be on your resume. Although not written by a recruiting professional, the tips are really helpful.

Here are 20 things no one wants to see on your resume:

  1. The story of your life. Nobody cares about your summer job. Your goal is to include only the most important information in your resume that will relate to the position you are looking for.
  2. Complex and dirty resume. The document should be simple and clear so that the reader can quickly find all the important information.
  3. Your photo. In most cases, your photo will be redundant. Unless you have been asked to send a resume with a photo, do without it.
  4. Blurred phrases. “I am looking for an interesting job with professional growth” is a hackneyed cliché that is used by almost every second person. Read the job description again and focus on what you can give.
  5. Personal details. Unless you're taking a job as a sports journalist, mentioning your sports career isn't important. The same goes for religious and political issues. It's funny, but many people really think that this is important.
  6. Abilities that everyone possesses. Excel proficiency? Seriously? Any modern person can boast of this skill. If you have developed a free analogue of Excel, this is interesting, but if you have learned how to build tables and insert formulas, do not mention this.
  7. Unexplained omissions. If you quit your job and have worked as a freelancer for a year, it's better to mention it than leave a one year pass on your resume. If you have worked as a freelancer and have acquired skills that can be useful in this work, it will be even better if you say so.
  8. Beautiful fonts and creative formatting. Such resumes are more often thrown away than read. Seriously. We have already written about this more than once.
  9. Unfilled social media profiles. Your profile on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and VKontakte is an important help in finding a job. If an employer likes your resume, before inviting you for an interview, he will surely find you on one of the social networks.
  10. First-person resume. Don't overdo it with the "I." It is better to write not in the first person, but to use constructions like: "I held a position …", "Managed a department …", "Solved tasks related to …".
  11. A detailed description of your previous responsibilities. Instead, focus on the results you have achieved. On increasing profits, on reducing costs or launching a new successful product.
  12. Blurred statements of success. If you have achieved something, you must confirm it. Bad: "Completed project X on time." Good: “Played a key role in opening a new branch. Since its opening, it has tripled its customer base, and the number of loyal customers by 33%."
  13. Short list. You shouldn't be too zealous with brevity. Listing all of your skills in a short list is a bad idea. The resume should combine key events, but supported by facts and descriptions.
  14. Lie. It is obvious. Nothing but the truth. As a rule, deception is revealed sooner or later.
  15. Working mailing address. Employees of the new company will not want to contact you at your old business address. Better to use personal mail.
  16. Lack of feedback about you. Make a list with the names and contacts of people you have worked with who can tell the employer about you.
  17. A versatile resume. The employer does not want to see your universal resume for the position of a marketer, advertiser, SMM specialist and programmer. Each position requires certain skills, and you should take the trouble and make different resumes.
  18. Transmittal letter. Sometimes he is asked to provide in addition to the resume. In all other cases, do not bother. Nobody reads it.
  19. Headers and footers. Some HR managers use special resume reading software. Many of them do not recognize information in headers and footers, so you shouldn't use them.
  20. Your posts are 15 years old. An unspoken rule is not to mention your positions, more than 15 years have passed since you worked.

We are looking forward to your advice that you can give based on personal experience.
