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5 mistakes introverts make
5 mistakes introverts make

Writer Sophia Dembling, author of Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever After and other books on the psychology of introverts, talks about the mistakes that prevent introverts from being happier. Lifehacker publishes a translation of her article.

5 mistakes introverts make
5 mistakes introverts make

1. Spend too much time at home

Sofia Dembling: home
Sofia Dembling: home

Perhaps you don't like noisy parties. This is totally normal. But you can try to love them - start walking on them in your own way. For example, stay there as long as you want. If you allow yourself to leave at the time you want, it will become easier to come.

Maybe you will be comfortable in some corner from where you can observe others and talk to those who are within your reach. Some might say that you don't fit in, but don't give it too much credit.

It's another matter if you really hate noisy gatherings. Then you shouldn't torture yourself and go to such places.

Please note that if you immediately reject any offers from people in whose company you are pleased to be, then you are not an introvert, but a recluse, because at least some type of socialization and communication should be to your liking. A joint trip to lectures, museums, exhibitions and screenings of auteur films or just a home dinner in a relaxed atmosphere with friends - you choose.

2. At work, you do not straighten your back

Introverts have a very strong business ethic, which is a source of pride. But if you are afraid to share your thoughts and ideas at work, then you are not using your full potential.

Meetings often run so fast that you don't have time to formulate a thought to the end, and colleagues may express their ideas too forcefully. You can't get a word in.

But if a career is important to you, then you need to find ways to be heard: memos, a one-on-one meeting with a manager or a colleague whom you can ask to support you at the next meeting. You shouldn't turn into a piece of office furniture just because you don't know how to demonstrate your knowledge and ideas.

3. You avoid chatter

Not everyone likes to talk about anything. But don't forget that this is a great opportunity to meet or get to know someone better. Relationships don't start with deeply personal conversations. Moreover, such conversations can scare off a new acquaintance. You, as an introvert, understand this yourself.

Thus, by chatting with a new acquaintance about the little things, you can find common topics, which will lead to more meaningful dialogue. By avoiding such conversations at all costs, you are missing out on an opportunity to strike up an acquaintance.

4. You pretend loneliness is always good

Sofia Dembling: loneliness
Sofia Dembling: loneliness

An introvert needs less communication than an extrovert, but it cannot be denied that a person needs a person. We tend to distort and justify our own thoughts. This makes you a person who does something that he does not like, because he has already invested his time and energy in it. It turns out that you can continue to convince yourself that you are comfortable in your own company, even though you feel lonely.

5. You think you are socially awkward

If this feeling haunts you, you do not feel comfortable in the circle of unfamiliar people, you are a little shy when you meet, you are not the soul of the company or you cannot carry on a dialogue full of quotes from ancient philosophers, then just relax.

Stop convincing yourself that you are different from others. Yes, indeed, some people are more sociable and easier to maintain a dialogue, but they also worry about the created first impression and do not always feel as confident as they look from the outside. Everyone at least once in their life made themselves complete fools.

Do not intimidate yourself, think that you are hopeless, that no one notices you, or that you cannot keep up the conversation. You feel anxiety, but it is completely natural and not dangerous for you - it is just a reaction to a new situation.

Allow yourself to feel anxious. Being aware of this feeling will help you move on and show yourself and others that you have your strengths.
