How to run Pandora radio on any device in Russia and Ukraine
How to run Pandora radio on any device in Russia and Ukraine

We return again and again to the topic of launching American and European services in our area. We installed the plugin on Google Chrome, played with proxy servers, set up simple VPN tunnels on the computer and Android. But now we have a very simple weapon in our arsenal of access to Pandora and other services that works regardless of platform. PC, Mac, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, Android, XBox - they all get access to many US-only services using the Tunlr service.

How to run Pandora radio on any device in Russia and Ukraine
How to run Pandora radio on any device in Russia and Ukraine

The service is very simple - it just gives you the primary and secondary DNS address you want. It needs to be registered in the desired device and just restart the network interface. Many services will open before you. I checked Pandora on several devices available to me - everything was like in America:) But Netflix did not work on iPad or Apple TV. It didn't fly on the computer either.

But if Pandora is still so desirable for you, then 100% it will start working everywhere.
