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Why is it bad to start your day on the internet?
Why is it bad to start your day on the internet?

Morning affects how our day will turn out. If you start with the right brain food, you will feel better and be more productive.

Why is it bad to start your day on the internet?
Why is it bad to start your day on the internet?

If you smoked a cigarette in the morning, ate two donuts and washed them down with two cups of coffee, you would not be surprised that your physical condition leaves much to be desired. But for some reason we do not think that the information that enters our brain should be treated in the same way as what we eat.

By starting the day by checking email and social media, we reinforce the habit of distraction, and it soon becomes firmly established in our lives. With every like or comment, there is a release of dopamine, and this literally reconfigures our brain.

What is the right way to start the day so that the brain gets “healthy food”?

Do not use electronic devices

If your refrigerator is jam-packed with fatty, spicy, and sugary foods, you’re more likely to eat it all. It's the same with your phone: if it's close at hand, you'll want to use it. Therefore, it is best to remove it from the bedroom altogether.


An event happens, and it seems to us that it means something. But this happens so quickly that we do not even think about whether the meaning that we attach to this event is justified. To be aware of this process, you need to slow it down, and this can be done with the help of meditation.


And give preference to books over articles on the Internet. We usually skim through the articles without thinking about the content properly, but we read books more thoughtfully.

Work on what matters to you for an hour

Try to immerse yourself in your work and not be distracted by anything. It brings a great sense of satisfaction. It’s like you are confirming to yourself that you value yourself and your time. A lot can be done even in one hour of conscious work.

Think about what you really get by going to social networks in the morning? Does it make you feel better or become more successful? If you add up all the minutes and hours that you spend on it in a year, you will have enough time to, for example, write a book, start your own business, or learn to play a musical instrument.
