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Why positive thinking doesn't work
Why positive thinking doesn't work

If you have tried to think positively, but nothing has changed in life, or even got worse, do not be discouraged and do not give up. There are several ways to fix things and get the full benefits of a positive mindset.

Why positive thinking doesn't work
Why positive thinking doesn't work

Now everyone knows that you need to think positively, that it helps to become happier, and many are trying to change. But very often these experiments end after a day or two, or when problems begin. It becomes insulting: “How so? I was thinking positively and almost changed."

It turns out that bright thoughts are not enough to solve your problems, but this does not mean that positive thinking is useless and, in general, sheer deception. You just need to know something before you rebuild your mindset and wait for a cloudless life.

Do you know the sad experience when you decided to change your life and think only positively, really made progress in this, and it seemed that life was getting better and everything was working out, and then suddenly such a nasty thing happened that just unsettled?

At this moment, you can easily abandon your intentions and even fall into mysticism, deciding that a curse has been imposed on you and nothing will help. So what's the deal? Why didn't it work?

Positive thinking works like medicine, but before you take it, you need to know what it works for. After all, when you go to the hospital, the doctor first makes a diagnosis, and then prescribes a medicine, and not just prescribes the same to everyone indiscriminately. Only instead of the source of the disease your beliefs come into play here.

Where negative thoughts come from

Negative thoughts do not appear on their own, and do not govern themselves. They can be compared to the military who leave their base and attack you. Let's say you have a weapon - motivation and positive thoughts that destroy them.

Great, the enemy army has been destroyed, but the base has not. From it, new hordes rush to you in the form of negative thoughts and events (since thoughts give rise to events). If you do not find the base and do not destroy it, you will still repel attacks for life, but, more likely, you will give weakness and be captured.

Military base of negative beliefs

Our beliefs, the source of all negative thoughts, are established from unpleasant events in life, especially in childhood. You may not even remember them, but they sink into your subconscious mind and slowly shit from there.

For example, if your first love ended in deception and betrayal, you will transfer this model to all other relationships and with a high probability you will only come across deceivers and traitors. Even sincere partners, you will constantly suspect and poison the life of both yourself and them.

There are several options for how to cope with such monsters in your own subconscious. You can hit them with rational thinking or have positive experiences that cover up negative beliefs.

What to do?

What is needed to destroy the base? Well, first of all, find her. Where to look? Where you have problems in life. For example, if you have money problems, analyze your beliefs about money: weren't you told in childhood that you earn money with sweat and blood, that it is difficult and unpleasant? Maybe you had some kind of epic failure with money, which is imprinted in your memory as: "I'm a loser, I never have money, I'll go hang myself"?

The best place to start is when “everything went wrong”, it will be faster this way. When you find your fearful negative beliefs, look at them impartially and ask, "Why do I still believe in this?"

When you see that there are no prerequisites for continuing to think so, and your belief is just a bad joke that your own consciousness plays with you, it will disappear (or become less reinforced). In the end, all psychoanalysts are engaged in bringing "demons" out of the subconscious into consciousness, where they happily dissolve.

A new image of yourself

Your image is built by beliefs about yourself, and only them. For example, if a student believes that algebra is the most difficult thing in the world, and he certainly won't be able to understand it, he will not understand whether he will fail exams or think about how to cheat. At the expense of beliefs, he will not even try to understand and learn something.

Your self-image is a mirror that reflects your beliefs, but in order to change your image, it is not enough to admit your negative attitudes as bullshit.

To do this, you need to get real experience in a new, positive belief and believe that you deserve it. A positive experience will provide you with a base from which positive thoughts will come to your aid.

What to do?

When you realize your negative beliefs in some matter, you need to change them to positive ones. After that, you should introduce and feel like someone who really deserves it.

For example, you have insufficient education and money problems because you believe that one depends on the other. Once you have realized your belief in this regard, believe that education and the amount of money are not related in any way.

Now imagine yourself as someone who has enough money despite being educated. Allow yourself to be that person and believe that you are. Everything.

Polishing with a positive

Affirmations don't work if they're just words you repeat to cheer you up. Saying to yourself, “It's okay,” while you have a lot of negative beliefs, is like lying. Nothing good will come of it.

It's another matter if you have already changed your beliefs to positive ones. In this case, affirmations are, in fact, a recognition of what you already have inside, a confirmation of your position in life. And that's when they really work.

The hardest part of all this is changing negative beliefs, because they are based on real experience. But your negative experience is only a memory, that is, in essence, just a thought. If you really imagine and kind of “experience” a new positive belief, you will have the same real experience, but in a positive way.

Now you know why positive thinking didn't work and your life is back on track. It's time to try again.
