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Moldy bread: throw it away or cut and eat?
Moldy bread: throw it away or cut and eat?

Food safety experts resolve all doubts.

Moldy bread: throw it away or cut and eat?
Moldy bread: throw it away or cut and eat?

What the experts say

Food safety experts say moldy bread should be thrown away. “The bread has a soft texture. We do not recommend pruning it because mold roots (substrate mycelium) can easily penetrate deep into such products,”says Marianne Gravely of the USDA.

Molds are fungi with visible spores on the surface of organic substrates and microscopic roots inside. The latter are deeply spreading and invisible if you look at them with the naked eye.

Mildew affects a much larger area of bread than we can see.

If you prefer to buy sliced products, then you won't be able to throw away just a few spoiled slices. Mold roots can spread throughout the package. In addition, during the time that mushrooms grew on the bread, dangerous bacteria could also settle on it.

Why is mold dangerous?

Some types of mold are harmless and can be eaten. The most prominent examples are Dorblue, Brie or Camembert cheese. But the plaque on the bread is dangerous to health. It can cause allergies and respiratory problems.

Even breathing in mold spores is dangerous. Spoiled bread should be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in a lidded bin so that children or animals cannot reach it.

What to do with other products

Throw away soft fruits, meat or jams if you notice any plaque on them. But tough foods can be cut.

Hard cheeses, sausages and vegetables such as carrots, peppers or cabbage have a tough structure. In this case, it takes longer for the roots of the mold to penetrate deep into the product.

Simply trim the spoiled piece a few centimeters from the plaque until the mold reaches the inside.

How to store food

Gravely advises you to check the products you are about to buy. If at home you find several spoiled strawberries, then there is no point in throwing away the entire container or package. It is enough to throw out only the moldy ones, and rinse the rest.

It is better to store food in the refrigerator, which needs to be cleaned every few months. Food will stay fresh longer.

You can track the expiration date of purchased products through a special application of the US Department of Agriculture.

- Mold spores are pretty tricky and adaptable. They prefer a humid and warm environment, but they can grow anywhere, says Gravely.

Try to sort out your food about once a week to get rid of dangerous bacteria and spores in time.
