2 questions from Bill Gates to solve big problems
2 questions from Bill Gates to solve big problems

Try this surprisingly simple and effective method if you don't know how to approach a task or are at a dead end.

2 questions from Bill Gates to solve big problems
2 questions from Bill Gates to solve big problems

Bill Gates has achieved a lot in life. Take Microsoft, which he founded in 1975 and is now considered one of the most valuable companies in the world. In addition, Bill and his wife have created a charitable foundation that deals with global health and other important issues. For example, it finances the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus.

Therefore, it is so interesting to know how Gates explains his approach to solving big problems. Here's how he described it on his blog:


Bill Gates

Ever since I was a teenager, I tackle any big problem the same way - I ask two questions first. I used this method at Microsoft and still use it today. I now ask these questions literally every week when I think about COVID-19.

Here they are:

  1. Who managed to cope with this problem?
  2. What can you learn from them?

The questions seem to be simple, but if you think about it, they are far from obvious. Most of us, when faced with a problem, immediately try to come up with a solution. Gates offers a different approach to difficulties: first learn more about what others have already done in a similar situation, and learn something from them.

Chances are, whatever problem you have, you are not the first to run into it. Even if others have failed to solve it, you will find something useful in their experience. Your job is to put your pride aside for a while and acknowledge that the best thing you can do right now is to be willing to learn.

For many of us, this is difficult, especially for leaders. It is believed that they should always have ready-made answers. And in order to admit that they do not exist, you need to have a considerable degree of modesty and not deny your weaknesses. But it is the leaders who can use this method most of all. So if you are in a senior position, try applying it.

The next time you run into a big problem, think about who has already experienced a similar one. Most likely, people talked about their experiences in a similar situation in blogs, social networks or books. Your business is only to search. And learn something from others. Then you don't have to start from scratch when trying to make a decision. You will already know what leads to success and what leads to failure.
