Table of contents:

The benefits of living without a romantic relationship
The benefits of living without a romantic relationship

How loneliness makes our lives better.

The benefits of living without a romantic relationship
The benefits of living without a romantic relationship

Single people have better social connections

Contrary to the stereotype, people who are not in long-term relationships do not feel lonely. Research Does singlehood isolate or integrate? Examining the link between marital status and ties to kin, friends, and neighbors. show that they have stronger social bonds than those who are married.

On average, people who do not have permanent romantic partners are more likely to communicate with friends and acquaintances, turn to them for help and help themselves.

Lonely people are more likely to play sports

Those who are not married are more likely to attend Exercise Time: Gender Differences in the Effects of Marriage, Parenthood, and Employment. gym and generally devote more time to their health. They also have lower Higher body mass index, less exercise, but healthier eating in married adults: Nine representative surveys across Europe. body mass index than married and married.

Loners devote more time to self-development

Data from the US Survey Marital Status Continuity and Change Among Young and Midlife Adults. show that those who are not married tend to devote more time to self-education and spiritual development. In addition, they are more open to new experiences and experiences.

Singles have more private time

Lonely people spend more time alone with themselves. According to research Solitude experiences: varieties, settings, and individual differences., those who are more likely to spend time alone feel more free on average. In addition, they are more creative and sensitive than those who are constantly surrounded by people.
