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How technology is changing working relationships
How technology is changing working relationships

New technologies can simultaneously make you and your colleagues more productive, closer, and lonely.

How technology is changing working relationships
How technology is changing working relationships

Working relationships become more personal

Previously, communication with colleagues took place mainly at the workplace, and most of them did not know how you spend your non-working time. But in the age of social media, your coworkers are becoming more aware of your privacy.

The boundaries between the worker and the personal are gradually blurring.

Now the people you work with can easily find out how you spent the weekend, where and with whom you were vacationing, whether you liked the new film, even if you yourself do not tell them about it. On the one hand, it can make some colleagues close friends. On the other hand, it is important to remember that your co-workers are reading you on social networks, and not to post photos and posts there that could damage the working relationship.

The risk of loneliness increases

Due to the development of technology, many are switching to remote work or freelancing. Despite the convenience, this work format also has serious drawbacks. Freelancers, on average, communicate with people offline much less often than those who work on a standard schedule. For them, this is fraught with a deterioration in communication skills and the development of a sense of loneliness.

If you work remotely, it is important to regularly interact with people live.

Also, if possible, communicate with colleagues or superiors via video link to feel like part of the team.

Work interactions become more productive

Technology can help you complete collaborative tasks more efficiently and faster and work on projects involving large numbers of people. A variety of applications allow you to coordinate actions almost instantly, even if you are in different parts of the world, track the progress of tasks and edit joint documents in real time.
