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7 creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
7 creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci

Michael Gelb is the author of many books on the creative development of the individual. He also studied Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts and revealed several secrets of his genius that will help you unleash your creativity.

7 creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
7 creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci

The painting "Mona Lisa", the fresco "The Last Supper", the drawing "Vitruvian Man" - this is the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the name of the great artist. But Leonardo da Vinci was not just a painter, but also an architect, musician, mathematician, inventor, geologist, writer, cartographer. In a word, a genius.

Michael Gelb has written several books on creative personal development. Some of the most famous are "The Deciphered Da Vinci Code" and "Learn to Think and Draw Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day." They became real bestsellers and were published in many languages.

Gelb, having studied the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, revealed several secrets of his genius. They can help you get more creative.

1. Curiosity

Curiosity is a natural human trait. Note that all children are terribly curious. "Why is the sky blue?", "Where does the rainbow come from?", "Why is it snowing?", "Why are the leaves turning yellow?" - a child under the age of five asks thousands of questions. Little why little ones learn the world in this way.

But then, according to Gelb, something happens that leads to a loss of curiosity: the child goes to school, where he learns that the answers are more important than the questions. Geniuses, on the other hand, remain childishly curious all their lives.

Don't stop asking questions. The search for answers makes humanity move forward.

2. Independent thinking

Pluralism is essential for creativity. Over the years, each person develops his own opinion. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But the problem is that gradually a person surrounds himself with only those sources of information (whether books or other people) that do not contradict his opinion.

Gelb notes that being creative requires looking at multiple perspectives. It helps to think independently and non-trivially.

3. The acuity of the senses

The Italians have an expression la dolce vita, which means "sweet life". The French use the phrase joie de vivre, that is, "the joy of life." In America they say happy hour - "happy hour". All these statements characterize the ability to seize the moment and enjoy it.

Attention to detail is essential to creativity. To feel the moment, appreciate its fleetingness and beauty - this is not enough for many in the modern world. Gelb believes that music, art, poetry, and even good wine or chocolate can help heighten the sense of beauty.

4. Uncertainty

The unknown is scary. People often give in to something new simply because they do not know how to behave in an unusual situation. However, self-confidence in the face of uncertainty is an important component of creativity.

According to Gelb, the essence of creativity is surprise, constantly discovering new things. If you do only what you are accustomed to from day to day, you will never make a discovery. Feel free to embark on the path of uncertainty if you want to be a truly creative person.

5. Logic and imagination

It is believed that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, and the left for analytical thinking. As a rule, a person is more developed either one or the other. But today, in order to generate new productive ideas, you need to equally use both parts of the brain, develop creative and logical thinking.

How to do it? Gelb suggests drawing. Try sketching your thoughts on a piece of paper. What associations does the resulting picture evoke? What is missing or, on the contrary, what is superfluous? How can this be used in life? Come up with and analyze your ideas, then your brain will work 100%.

6. Balance body and mind

Few people know that Leonardo da Vinci was also a physically developed person. Considered one of the most powerful men in Florence, he was an accomplished swordsman and horseman.

Gelb believes that creativity is an intellectual exercise that requires an enormous amount of energy. A physically weak person does not have the strength to be creative. Therefore, playing sports and keeping yourself in good shape are the basis for creative activity.

7. Connection diagram

According to Gelb, a connection diagram, or mind map, that is, the depiction of general systems thinking using diagrams, is very important for generating new ideas, since it demonstrates the endless possibilities of the brain.

A link diagram is usually drawn in the form of a tree diagram, in the center of which the main concept is located, and the branches are the associations it causes. This technique is often used in brainstorming sessions, during various business training or planning. But identifying new connections is also very beneficial for creative self-improvement.

Many people think that creativity is a gift that falls on the elite, like the apple fell on Newton. It is a myth. Cases of insight, when a person comes up with something completely new out of nothing, are very rare, if at all real.

In addition, many people tread on the tail of their own creativity, believing that the ideas swarming in their heads are not good enough. Leonardo da Vinci is known for a reason as a universal person. He clung to every idea and developed it.
