Fundamental theses of the training, which is time to revise
Fundamental theses of the training, which is time to revise

Lift very heavy weights for muscle growth, eat as much protein as possible and run on an empty stomach to burn fat efficiently - these and other classic training theses are firmly rooted in the minds of athletes. Some of these statements are true, but it’s time to change our view on something.

Fundamental theses of the training, which is time to revise
Fundamental theses of the training, which is time to revise

In sports medicine, biomechanics and other related sciences, new discoveries regularly occur that change the classical view of various aspects of training. As a rule, they do not refute the previous data obtained on certain issues, but only supplement them.

Thesis 1. The more the weight lifted, the faster the muscles grow

Skeletal muscles adapt rather quickly to external stimuli, and changes in load are the best catalyst for its growth. The classic technique for increasing muscle volume has long been considered (and is still considered to be) working with large weights - about 60% of the maximum weight with which an athlete can do one repetition.

Another common option is to work with weights ranging from 80 to 95% of your maximum weight in one repetition.

Recent studies have shown that using weights of about 30% of the maximum in one rep can be as effective in stimulating muscle growth as previous methods, provided that the exercise is done until complete failure, that is, until you can not perform at least one more repetition.

Scientists argue that after volume training with small weights, the body manages to synthesize more protein than after several repetitions with large weights.

There are several rules that will allow you to work effectively with small weights:

  • Consider the total weight lifted in all exercises in one workout - it should be no less than in the classic strength.
  • Concentrate on muscle contractions.
  • Use intense training techniques such as drop sets, partial range of motion, and forced reps.
  • Eat well, use nitrogen donors for better blood saturation and other sports supplements.


The main idea is not to completely abandon strength training: multi-repetitive workouts with low weights can be a good alternative, since they build muscle just as effectively.

Thesis 2. There is an "anabolic window" that needs to be closed immediately after training

There has been so much talk about taking a protein or protein-carbohydrate shake right after a workout that it has become an unspoken law for gym goers. However, recent research suggests that the "anabolic window" is more like an "anabolic gate."

Most coaches say that the "window" should be closed no later than an hour after training. At the same time, the rate of muscle protein synthesis does not change if you eat three hours after exercise. There is also research showing that taking protein blends in the morning and evening on workout days has the same effect as drinking shakes immediately after exercise.


Drinking a protein shake after your workout is a delicious and enjoyable ritual, but the importance of taking a post-workout protein blend shouldn't be overemphasized. The total amount of protein eaten per day is much more important, and there are no "anabolic windows" or "green zones" for the best intake of it.

Thesis 3. The more protein enters the body with food, the better

Muscle hypertrophy occurs when the body gets more protein than it uses. It is not at all necessary to load the stomach with a large amount of protein: an athlete weighing 80 kilograms will receive as much benefit from 30 grams of beef protein as from 90 grams. There is also not much difference between 20 and 40 grams of egg white eaten in one go when it comes to muscle gain.


Don't try to eat as much protein as you can. The body will metabolize about 30-35 grams of pure protein at a time, utilizing the rest without any benefit to the body. The amount of protein that your body will assimilate at one time (assuming that your stomach is okay) is 0.2-0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight per meal.

Thesis 4. Cardio on an empty stomach allows you to burn fat faster

Many workout programs recommend doing cardio on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. This is usually explained by the fact that upon awakening the body is in a state of hunger, the level of glycogen and insulin is lowered and the body must switch to using fat as fuel.

Recent studies have shown that fasting cardio is no better than a morning workout done after breakfast.


Do your morning cardio any way you like. If you are used to exercising on an empty stomach, run before meals. If you constantly feel dizzy, sick, or weak while jogging, eat before going outside or on the treadmill.
