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What is water aerobics and does it help you lose weight
What is water aerobics and does it help you lose weight

Water provides stress on the muscles, but relieves it from the joints.

What is water aerobics and does it help you lose weight
What is water aerobics and does it help you lose weight

What is water aerobics

Aqua aerobics is a group fitness program that consists of a series of cardio exercises in the pool.

Most of the movements are performed in an upright position and include walking and swimming in place or with little movement, exercises for different muscle groups and dance elements.

Workouts are performed with peppy music, last 45 to 60 minutes, and include a repetitive series of exercises with little or no rest. The instructor shows the movements from the side of the pool, and the students repeat them, standing on the bottom or swimming at a depth with special belts.

All exercises and training elements are easy to learn and do not require special skills. Ligaments of movements are repeated several times in the course of the lesson, and the instructor continues showing the entire workout, so that a person of any level of training can cope with the repetition.

Does water aerobics help you lose weight?

The benefits of aqua aerobics for weight loss are controversial. Some scientific works confirm that the positive effect of aqua fitness on body composition, in others, the effect is negligible or absent.

For example, in one study, overweight young women did 60 minutes of cardio a day for six months. Unlike the participants who pedaled on a stationary bike or went in for walking, the women in the aqua aerobics group did not lose weight at all.

The modest effect is due to the fact that exercise in water uses fewer calories than exercise on land.

In 30 minutes of water aerobics, a 70 kg person can burn about 149 kcal. Not particularly intense step aerobics will spend 260 kcal for the same time, and high-intensity - 372 kcal.

Moreover, exercise in cool water (20–22 ° C) increases appetite after exercise. So if you do not follow your diet, you run the risk of not only replenishing the calories burned after exercise, but also exceeding your norm.

But still, aquafitness cannot be called useless in terms of losing weight, since any physical activity is better than its absence. Moreover, water aerobics can be a real salvation for those who, due to age or illness, cannot do it on land.

Why do water aerobics

There are several reasons to try water aerobics:

  • Strengthening muscles … Water is much denser than air, so any movement in a liquid medium requires more effort than a similar exercise on land. Underwater paddles and sweeps work the shoulder girdle and back, steps, kicks and knee lifts strengthen the hips and hip flexors, and various folds and twists of the body work the abdominal muscles.
  • Providing load without pain and risk for joints. Being in the water greatly reduces body weight - up to 90% when diving up to the neck. Thus, water aerobics has a gentle effect on the joints and the spine, which is especially important for people with great excess weight, weak muscles and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improving the work of the cardiovascular system … Water aerobics reduces blood pressure and heart rate at rest. There is also evidence that exercise can increase the maximum oxygen consumption - the main indicator of the body's endurance.
  • Back pain relief … By strengthening the muscles and reducing the load on the spine, water aerobics helps with lower back pain.

Who is water aerobics suitable for?

Due to the gentle load on the body, exercises in water are great for people:

  • in old age;
  • with great overweight and obesity;
  • with diseases of the joints and spine;
  • with varicose veins;
  • during the recovery period after injuries;
  • during pregnancy.

Who shouldn't do water aerobics

It is not advised to train in the pool under the following conditions:

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • skin diseases and wounds;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases in which seizures occur;
  • dizziness;
  • ear infections;
  • heat.

If you are in doubt whether you can exercise, consult with a therapist and warn the trainer about your medical conditions and limitations before starting the exercise.

What you need for training

First of all, you need to find courses in water aerobics, and then get a certificate from a dermatologist and a therapist with permission to visit the pool.

Then you need the following:

  • Swim cap;
  • swimsuit or swimming trunks;
  • slippers to walk from the shower to the pool.

Also, special equipment may be required for training:

1. A water aerobics belt that provides support at any depth and allows you to perform leg movements without going under the water.

2. Weights on the wrists and ankles.

3. Aquagumbbells - lightweight foam shells that increase resistance while moving in the water.

4. Noodles - flexible foam paddles that keep the body afloat and provide additional resistance when exercising.

5. Gloves for aqua aerobics with membranes, made of silicone or neoprene. Increase the load on the arms due to the increased resistance.

As a rule, fitness centers and swimming pools provide everything you need to exercise, but it is better to ask about it in advance.

How often can you do water aerobics

In most studies, water aerobics classes were held 2-3 times a week, but given the gentle effect of the fitness program on the joints and muscles, you can do it more often - there will be no harm from this.
