3 common food additives that cause addiction
3 common food additives that cause addiction

Do you know why it's so hard to stop yourself when you just try the chips? Such products contain additives that stimulate a person to eat even more. In this article, we will tell you about three supplements that can cause food addiction. You can track their content by examining the labels on the foods that are included in your daily diet.

3 common food additives that cause addiction
3 common food additives that cause addiction

Have you noticed that you just have to try chips or take a bite of a sweet cookie, how to keep yourself from further eating becomes extremely difficult, sometimes even impossible.

Why it happens? This is due to nutritional supplements, which spur us to eat even more, and in some cases even cause food addiction. It sounds strange, but the use of certain foods can provoke reactions in the body, similar to the use of drugs and alcohol. Will explain.

Why can't smokers quit a bad habit at once, because they understand that smoking causes cancer? Because cigarettes (drugs, alcohol) disrupt the normal chemical state of the brain.

When drugs are used, dopamine (a hormone of pleasure) is produced in the human body. It enters the bloodstream, and the stream of good mood spreads through the veins, which leads to feelings of euphoria and detachment. True, the bliss ends quickly, but pleasant memories remain. This forces addicts to repeat the previous experience many times, which is addictive.

Why can't some people refuse to eat junk food when they know what consequences it can lead to? For the same reason.

There are two main culprits that can cause addiction to certain foods: sugar and food additives. Here are the names and descriptions of supplements that can make you eat more.

1. Monosodium glutamate

This ingredient is added to food to enhance its flavor. One of the foods it is often added to is instant noodles.

Generally speaking, I came across a figure of 80% on the Web - about the same amount of artificially processed foods contain monosodium glutamate. This list includes everything from potato chips to all kinds of salad dressings.

Is this ingredient really addictive?

Glutamate blocks the production of leptin, a hormone responsible for satiety. Therefore, we lose control and continue to eat. And the more we eat food containing this ingredient, the more we want it. Gradually, this turns into a vicious circle, the first stage of food addiction is established.

But MSG isn't the only culprit.

2. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

This syrup is found in a huge number of drinks and sweets and is another reason why it is so difficult to stop yourself after you start eating.

What is KSVSF? This is regular corn syrup that has been further processed and added with a number of enzymes that make it even sweeter.

But the problem is that our body does not understand how to process this substance, unlike regular sugar or glucose, and stores it in the form of fat.

It has been documented that prolonged consumption of foods containing HFCS leads to an abnormal increase in body fat, especially in the abdomen.

What's more, this unhealthy supplement increases the cravings for high-calorie foods. This fact has also been proven. Thus, excessive consumption of products with HFCS, as well as with monosodium glutamate, can lead to the development of food addiction.

3. Artificial sugar substitutes

Sweeteners have gained unprecedented popularity in the era of low-calorie diets. Their main trump card is that these substances are tens of times sweeter than regular sugar, but do not contain calories. And this makes them a great choice for those looking for a perfect figure. But not everything is so smooth.

Back in the 80s of the last century, it was carried out, the purpose of which was to find out what effect artificial sugar substitutes have on the body. More than 70 thousand women took part in the experiment. As a result, it was found that women who consumed sweeteners increased their weight by an average of 7%.

And here are some more interesting facts about sweeteners obtained in the course:

  • sugar substitutes stimulate appetite;
  • Increase carbohydrate cravings
  • contribute to the accumulation of body fat.

So it turns out that artificial sugar substitutes are another link on the path to food addiction.

Below is a list of common sweeteners so that you know the enemy by sight:

  • Sugar alcohols: sorbitol (E420), xylitol (E967), mannitol (E421), erythritol (E968).
  • Acesulfame potassium (E950).
  • Aspartame (E951).
  • Neotamus (E961).
  • Saccharin (E954).
  • Sucralose (E955).

Additional item: regular sugar

It's true that regular sugar can also be addictive! One has only to taste a little sugar, and you want even more. That is, if you start your day with a cup of aromatic coffee and sweeten it, then by the end of the day there will be an increased craving for all sweet and other foods rich in carbohydrates.


Now you know what food addiction can cause. Read the labels of the foods you consume carefully. Perhaps there are those among them that should be abandoned before it is too late.
