10,000 hours - the magic number of the greatest craftsmanship
10,000 hours - the magic number of the greatest craftsmanship
10,000 hours - the magic number of the greatest craftsmanship
10,000 hours - the magic number of the greatest craftsmanship

What we call talent is the result of a complex interweaving of ability, opportunity, and accidental advantage. Malcolm Gladwell

The famous Canadian writer and journalist, author of several popular science books, Malcolm Gladwell, in one of them derived the formula: 10,000 hours = success.

Many people think that if you were born a genius, then recognition and respect will be in your life by default. Gladwell breaks this stereotype by saying that anyone can become a guru in their business if they spend 10,000 hours on it.

[bquote type = "review" name = "Malcolm Gladwell" pic = "// cdn.lifehacker.ru/wp-content/uploads/203628-10-13289063_87f11ff7c2_o.jpg" about = "Sociologist, Doctor of Philology, journalist and writer. He has written for publications such as The Washington Post, The American Spectator and Insight on the News. He is currently a contributor to The New Yorker magazine. Author of several books in the genre of popular sociology and psychology: “<a
