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5 simple biohacks to increase productivity
5 simple biohacks to increase productivity

The simplest biohack is to have a strong cup of coffee early in the morning. The life hacker found other, less well-known ways to tune the body to work.

5 simple biohacks to increase productivity
5 simple biohacks to increase productivity

While some are struggling with procrastination, others are looking for ways to become even more efficient and effective. This is how biohacking appeared. It includes tricks to help the body get the most out of food, exercise, and sleep for its productivity.

1. Drink fatty coffee

When it seems that there is no strength for anything but sleep, the hand itself reaches for the coffee maker. But a cup of regular coffee may not invigorate (by the way, for some, the drink is completely addictive and therefore does not help wake up).

Coffee will be much more beneficial if you add a little fat to the freshly brewed drink: a teaspoon of coconut oil or butter. It contains medium chain triglycerides, which the liver converts into ketones - a kind of food for the mind.

Unlike glucose, this food is healthy. The brain will use the received energy charge evenly, without signs of caffeine decline, when a surge in productivity is abruptly replaced by a feeling of fatigue and loss of concentration.

2. Eat more often

Frequent snacks in small portions are recommended for those seeking to lose weight. This "snag" for the body can work in the event that you need to increase productivity.

A thorough intake of food overloads the digestive system so that the body is forced to use all its energy resources to process the foods just eaten - and there is not so much energy left for other tasks. This will be confirmed by everyone who has ever felt sleepy after dinner.

The way out of the situation is to replace the usual three large meals, for example, five small and light ones. It is advisable not to choose heavy foods - let there be more vegetables and herbs on the plate.

3. Add nootropic products

The nootropics themselves are drugs that activate brain activity. But if it is better to take them on the advice of a doctor, then products containing substances useful for the functioning of the brain (for example, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium) can be added to the diet without a prescription. Among them:

  • fish (salmon, herring, tuna);
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • carrots, tomatoes, beets;
  • broccoli, spinach, cauliflower;
  • greens (lettuce, parsley, etc.);
  • apples;
  • blueberry;
  • oatmeal;
  • pumpkin seeds, walnuts.

4. Work on the quality of sleep

Do you feel tired at the moment when you just woke up? So it's time to think about the quality of your sleep - and improve it.

Give up gadgets a couple of hours before bed

Blue-blue light from computers, tablets and smartphones can disrupt the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

First, it regulates biorhythms and helps maintain the daily regimen: when everything is normal with melatonin, there is no insomnia. Secondly, it is responsible for the restoration of the body during sleep. At the same time, 70% of melatonin is produced precisely at night.

Knowing about the negative impact of electronic devices, it is better not to abuse their use before going to bed in order to sleep well and not feel overwhelmed in the morning.

Wear a sleep mask and earplugs

If sleep, it seems, does not restore strength at all, noise and light pollution may be to blame, from which sometimes you cannot hide in the walls of your home. That is why a mask and earplugs are needed: they will provide complete light and sound insulation.

5. Shake Up Yourself

It will not be superfluous to know the ways to cheer up, and also to learn how to use them correctly during the day.

In the morning - a contrast shower

Even washing your face with cold water in the morning will have a good result. But it is even better to take a shower and change the temperature of the water in the process: turn on the cold water for 30 seconds, then turn on the warm one for 30 seconds. Repeat the alternation several times.

The positive effect will be as follows: the procedure will energize, improve attention and increase concentration, and will also help burn more calories during the day and sleep better at night.

During the day - changing positions during work

The strength to complete the necessary tasks will end by the middle of the day, or even earlier, if you sit in an office chair all the time.

Biohackers recommend, firstly, about every 45 minutes to take a break from work to walk and warm up (set yourself an alarm so as not to forget about it). Secondly, try to work not only while sitting, but also standing at a high table.

These tricks add a little bit of variety to your everyday life, but even that will be enough to boost your productivity right away.

In the evening - yoga upside down

Physical activity is already a kind of recharge. But for a more active brain, as it turned out, headstands, such as in yoga, are especially useful. They improve the blood supply to the brain, and also stimulate the work of the pituitary and pineal glands - these glands play a significant role in maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Hence - more active brain work, high productivity and good health.
