20 habits to strengthen friendships
20 habits to strengthen friendships

Even little things can improve the quality of friendships.

20 habits to strengthen friendships
20 habits to strengthen friendships

1 … If you are used to complaining to a friend about the difficulties in your life, do not forget to tell him about the good things. You should not pour all negative emotions on him, just because he knows how to listen. Share positive things so your friend can be happy for you.

2 … Don't compare yourself to your friends. We are all in some ways better, and in some ways worse than others. Comparing your own weaknesses with others' strengths will not lead to anything good. It is better to be inspired by the example of your friends and learn from them.

3 … Make sure to take the time to research what a friend has recommended to you. Even if the recommendation is not to your liking, you may be able to understand it better. Or maybe you will find something new that will bring you closer together. By ignoring such recommendations, you seem to be saying that you don't care.

4 … When a friend shares an experience with you, do not immediately talk about your own similar experience. Listen to him sincerely. If you think your story can really help him, share it. But don't take the conversation entirely to yourself.

5 … Don't immediately try to solve the problem the friend is talking about. Most likely, he just needs to be heard. When in doubt, ask directly if you need advice or just emotional support.

6 … When you know that a friend is upset about something, ask if he wants to talk about it or if he prefers to be distracted. Sometimes it is more useful to forget about your worries for a while and just laugh.

7 … Support your friend when their beliefs change. Do not make fun of his new views or consider them a betrayal. We all change in the course of life, and it would be strange if we did not periodically disagree with our friends in some way.

8 … As soon as you find out some important date for a friend, such as a birthday or a new job, add it to your calendar. When that day comes, write him a small congratulation or wish. He will be glad that he is remembered.

9 … Do not think that a friend who always has everything under control does not need help. Perhaps it is simply difficult for him to ask for it, or he is not used to putting his own needs first. So ask how he is and offer to help. He will be pleased to know that you are near.

10 … If you hurt a friend, admit it and apologize. You should not indulge in lengthy explanations of your motives, it will be too much like an excuse. Try to fix the situation and not repeat the mistake.

11 … Let your friends know when you're late. It is enough to briefly apologize and write how long you will be. This will show respect, and they won't have to sit and wonder where you are.

12 … To smooth out or prevent a quarrel, use the construction "I feel … when you …". That is, instead of "You annoy me" say "I get annoyed when you …".

13 … And do not forget that any quarrel is not “you” versus “friend”, but “you and friend” versus “problem”. Do not try to prove your case by any means. The main thing is to find a solution to the conflict issue and move on.

14 … When you and a friend are discussing things to do, avoid saying "I don't care." Clarify that it is important for you to spend time together, but it does not matter how. Otherwise, you might think that you are not interested.

15 … When the friendship is just beginning, ask more questions. Start with the general ones and move on to the deeper ones. This is a good way to better understand each other and find common ground.

16 … Maintain a list of gifts your friends would like to receive. Constantly bring into it what they like, then before the holidays you will not have to think about what to give. And your friends will be pleased that you have remembered and fulfilled their little dream.

17 … When a friend asks how you are doing, be sure to ask the same back. Perhaps he wants to share something, but he does not know where to start. And in any case, this is elementary politeness.

18 … If a friend showed you their art, mark something specific that you like. Hearing this is much more valuable than just “Cool!”.

19 … When you invite a friend somewhere, say “I’ll be glad if you come”, not “Come if you want”. The difference may seem subtle, but the first phrase makes your friend feel like you value him or her.

20 … Don't forget about friends when you have a partner. Even if you want to be with him all the time, remember - relationships with friends are also important. Take time to be with them and show that they mean a lot to you.
