Table of contents:

I am afraid of the coronavirus. Do I need to post about this on social networks?
I am afraid of the coronavirus. Do I need to post about this on social networks?

It is better to share useful experiences and do not panic.

I am afraid of the coronavirus. Do I need to post about this on social networks?
I am afraid of the coronavirus. Do I need to post about this on social networks?

In a weekly column, Olga Lukinova, an expert on digital etiquette, answers topical questions related to communication on the Internet. Do not skip it if you actively use social networks and instant messengers, or just occasionally send business letters. And ask your questions in the comments!

People post photos of empty shelves in stores, throw unverified information into chats. Unfamiliar companies send letters reminding them to wash their hands. Is this all normal? And how to behave ethically if, on the one hand, it is important to share information, and on the other, you only escalate the situation?


No one can prohibit you from writing anything on social networks, if it does not contradict the law. Therefore, you can post whatever you see fit. But consider whether you are harming someone with your publications.

How we can harm with our publications

  1. If we publish unverified information (for example, that a certain medicine, ascorbic acid or activated carbon helps from coronavirus), then we can endanger the health of gullible people. Therefore, carefully check the sources from which you take information.
  2. Articles and messages about mortal danger greatly affect the emotional state of people. Not everyone will be infected with the coronavirus, and panic has already penetrated every home. Stress and neuroses increase with each new post. In order not to aggravate the general anxiety, it is better to avoid panic publications.
  3. Information about the shortage of goods in one store leads to the fact that the same product disappears in all other retail outlets: even those who have never used it begin to buy it. Sanitizers are already stealing from the cafe. As a result, those who really need some goods simply cannot buy them.

How to understand that information is not worth trusting

  • There are links only to unofficial sources ("The neighbor reported", "The daughter-in-law called", "Scientists have found out").
  • The publication puts pressure on emotions (“This is horror!”, “We are in danger, everything is very serious!”).
  • Contains a call to action in the spirit of "Forward this to all friends."
  • Someone's commercial interest is seen ("Pills A will help with the virus").

Please note that Roskomnadzor now punishes Roskomnadzor conducts round-the-clock monitoring of all mass media, social networks, video hosting sites, TV and radio broadcasting companies in order to identify inaccurate information that sows panic and provokes public concern among citizens of the Russian Federation. for spreading false information about coronavirus infection.

How to share useful information

  1. Tell us about your personal experience - what you really understand. For example, if you've switched to telecommuting, share how you set up your home office.
  2. Suggest good movies and books to your friends to watch or read while at home.
  3. Tell us how you use the free time - maybe someone will want to use your recommendations.

Do not repost information from unverified sources, do not stir up panic. Share personal experiences that can really be useful. Take care of each other.


Coronavirus. Number of infected:

243 093 598

in the world

8 131 164

in Russia View map
