Table of contents:

5 breathing exercises to get you through the day at work
5 breathing exercises to get you through the day at work

Use them to restore concentration and relieve stress.

5 breathing exercises to get you through the day at work
5 breathing exercises to get you through the day at work

1. When you wake up

Set your alarm 10 minutes early so you don't rush anywhere. Sit back in bed and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale loudly through your mouth three times so that you feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles. It will sound like Darth Vader's breathing.

Then close your mouth and continue breathing through your nose for a few minutes. Enjoy the silence.

2. When you face stress

When you rush to work or drive your children to school, pay attention to your breathing. If it becomes shallow and intermittent, you are stressed.

To reduce anxiety, breathe slowly through your nose, stretching both inhalation and exhalation for three seconds. Hold your breath for a few moments in between. Repeat to yourself: "I am in harmony with myself."

3. When you sit down to work

Before starting the work day, sit in a chair so that your back is straight, your shoulders are relaxed, and your chin is parallel to the floor. Keep your head straight.

Place your right hand on your stomach. Take a few deep breaths in and out so that your hand rises and falls in time with the breath. Try to feel how the whole body is filled with air.

4. When you take a break

This exercise will help relieve fatigue and wake up in the middle of the day. Straighten up in your chair. Open your mouth and breathe in and out a few quick and resonant sounds like a puppy.

Then close your mouth and continue breathing in jerks for 10 seconds so that the air moves up the back of your throat and flows freely through your nose. Pause and repeat.

If you feel dizzy, stop immediately.

5. When you finish working

At the end of the day, straighten up in your chair again. Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting in a thermal spring.

Breathe rhythmically from your belly. Imagine that with each full exhalation and inhalation, the heat from the “source” moves higher and higher. It gradually spreads through the body, rises along the stomach and lungs to the throat, forms a kind of crown over your head, and then recedes downward.

Repeat the exercise several times.
