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5 tips for a newcomer in a new place of work
5 tips for a newcomer in a new place of work

Getting into an unfamiliar team, we are faced with difficulties: a new place, new people, new orders. You are in luck if you are welcomed with open arms. What if not?

5 tips for a newcomer in a new place of work
5 tips for a newcomer in a new place of work

For the most part, it is the behavior of the new employee that determines how easily he will be able to fit into the team. Here, in addition to professional qualities, personal ones are also important. This is what will help you quickly and gently go through the adaptation period.

1. Smile

How to join a new team
How to join a new team

And when meeting, and in general when communicating with people. Be open to communication. It's okay if you don't memorize the names of all your colleagues at once. A friendly approach to each of them is much more important.

2. Sign up

It has long become a tradition to celebrate the inauguration immediately or a few days after joining a new team. Don't break this tradition. Just try to prepare something creative for your new colleagues. Believe me, they have already been fed pizza and pies. Bake your own cake, or bring pita bread and lots of different toppings. Have them make themselves a hearty snack with their own hands and chat with each other in the process.

3. Be observant

Take an interest in the lives of your new acquaintances. Ask about other employees. Find out who is friends with whom and with whom it is better not to quarrel. As ugly as it sounds, overhear gossip. Information will help you become your own in the team. True, it is better to refrain from discussions with colleagues.

4. Show initiative

Invite everyone to go somewhere after work (skating rink, cinema, bar - where you can chat) or just for breakfast to get to know each other better. Pay attention if colleagues from your department go out to lunch together. Shout: "I am with you!" - and join. Do not hesitate to do this: people will be happy to chat with you, because they are also interested in who you are and what you are.

5. Be a team player

Tips for those who want to join a new team
Tips for those who want to join a new team

Do not withdraw into yourself, do not be silent, voice interesting thoughts that come to your mind. Many newbies are afraid to blurt out something out of place. You have nothing to lose! Just think how nice it will be if your timely voiced idea is marked as efficient.

If suddenly no one supported your initiative, your idea was rejected, and they did not pay attention to a smile, do not worry and do not give up. They just aren't used to you yet. In a couple of days, when you show yourself, you will be appreciated and there will certainly be supporters and even defenders. And remember that a positive attitude will help in almost everything.
