Table of contents:

9 microhabits that will change your life in a year
9 microhabits that will change your life in a year

Remember, small changes lead to big results.

9 microhabits that will change your life in a year
9 microhabits that will change your life in a year

More often than not, we do not achieve our goals because we are trying to change something in life dramatically. It is better to take small steps and gradually update your daily habits.

Changes that seem small and insignificant at first will add up to amazing results if you're willing to stick with them for years.

James Clear author of Atomic Habits

You've probably heard of something like this before, but hearing and doing are not the same thing. If you want to change your life, change your habits. Start with small changes.

1. Disaccustom yourself to react immediately

Yes, the world is constantly accelerating, but that doesn't mean you always have to respond quickly to requests and suggestions. Don't automatically settle for everything. Add the phrases "I'll let you know" and "I'll answer later" to your vocabulary.

It is better to think for a while than to understand that you do not need this when it will be too late. You will save your time and avoid unnecessary frustrations.

2. Complete at least one task, even if you don't feel like it

Pick one small thing every day that you don't feel like doing, and push yourself to see it through. It can be anything: do the dishes, go jogging, or cook dinner at home instead of ordering fast food.

After a few days, you will notice that the problem is not in a specific case. Chances are, you're just used to putting off the things that cause discomfort.

And you will also see that it is enough to take the first step, and then it is not difficult to bring everything to the end. When you practice small things, move on to more serious ones.

3. Spend one day a week without social media

We get so used to the phone that it already seems like a natural extension of the hand. And on social networks, we often go when we are bored, sad or embarrassed. As a result, we waste a lot of time.

You don't have to give up social media entirely. The main thing is to use them in moderation. Try spending one day a week without them, such as Sunday. Take a walk, do your favorite hobby or something else interesting. You will notice that you have a lot to do without social media. And gradually you will become less likely to go into them on the other days.

4. Prepare for tomorrow the night before

When you have a pre-made plan, you get things done faster. No magic, just logic.

In the evening, decide what to wear and pack your bag. Make a list of tasks, check the calendar for appointments and reminders. Do everything to make your next day easier. Train yourself to do this as soon as you get home, or before bed.

5. Eat without distraction

When we eat and work, read or watch TV, we tend to eat more. In addition, we almost do not feel the taste of food, because we are distracted by another matter.

Try eating separately from other activities. Most likely, you will notice that you really want to pick up your phone or turn on some kind of TV series. Don't give in.

6. Use a timer when performing work tasks

The Pomodoro methodology can rightfully be called the bible of productivity. The tomato timer helps you focus, and short breaks provide an opportunity to rest and recharge. Start with standard intervals of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest, and then find the rhythm that suits you.

7. Leave your phone across the room at night

If he is lying next to the bed, the temptation to put off the alarm and take a nap will be higher. Protect yourself from this.

If the phone is far away, you will have to get up to mute it. And there you will remember how much you need to do today, feel hungry or thirsty. Either way, it will be easier to start the day.

eight. Don't buy as soon as you like something

Follow two rules. Firstly, if you like a thing, wait a few days with the purchase. If during this time you still feel that you really need it, return to the store. Naturally, we are not talking about what you deliberately followed or what you have been looking for for a long time.

Second, don't rush to sales. Marketers know perfectly well how our brains work and how pleased we are to find a good deal. In order not to buy too much, ask yourself: "Would I pay full price for this?" If the answer is no, walk by.

9. Write down all your ideas

They come in the most unexpected places, and it seems to us that we will remember them. But usually they very soon fly out of our heads, and then we suffer, trying to remember what important we wanted to do or what new approach we thought to try at work. To prevent this from happening, train yourself to write down all ideas, even those that seem insignificant.
