Table of contents:

4 arguments that will challenge any conspiracy theory
4 arguments that will challenge any conspiracy theory

Simple arguments will help lead conspiracy theorists into a logical dead end or sort out dubious hypotheses yourself.

4 arguments that will challenge any conspiracy theory
4 arguments that will challenge any conspiracy theory

Arguing with conspiracy theorists is a thankless task. People who sincerely believe that the Earth is flat, HIV does not exist, and with the help of the COVID-19 vaccine, they want to microchip us all, will stand their ground to the last. After all, their beliefs were born from a lack of information, fear of the unknown, cognitive distortions and the peculiarities of the human psyche.

But if you still want to get involved in a discussion or decide for yourself whether to believe any of the conspiracy theories, these arguments may come in handy.

1. No conspiracy could be kept secret

The main argument of adherents of conspiracy theories is that everyone lies to us. The government is lying, doctors and scientists are lying, TV presenters are lying, other public and influential people are lying. They supposedly hide terrible secrets and do everything so that the public never finds out the truth.

Moreover, they have been doing this for decades, and sometimes for centuries: they masterfully destroy all evidence and bribe anyone they can. As a result, truthful information is possessed by a small group of especially perspicacious people who want to open everyone's eyes to the truth and which, of course, no one believes.

In response to this, a logical question arises, how does a whole crowd of insidious conspirators manage to keep their secrets. Bill Clinton, being one of the most influential people on the planet, could not hide his affair with Monica Lewinsky. The US National Security Agency has failed to keep the wiretapping of world leaders, including Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, secret. Sooner or later, information surface about torture in prisons, ruthless medical experiments and fake scientific research.

And only "true" data on vaccinations and reptilians in the government for some reason is still obscured and available only to a select few.

2. It is strange that there is not a single solid evidence

Real conspiracies around the world are no-no, and they are exposed. And when that happens, researchers and the general public are literally drowned in an avalanche of evidence. Remember the famous portal WikiLeaks, which released classified information. More than 10 million documents have been published on the site since its inception.

But when it comes to some dubious theory, its adherents do not have a single weighty proof: no official documents, no research carried out in serious scientific organizations, no conclusions of licensed experts. Instead, only quotes taken out of context, far-fetched facts, fake photos, loud slogans and an appeal to emotions.

3. Conspirators cannot be so helpless

On the one hand, some influential forces carefully hide from the world the truth with a capital "I". These forces are capable of literally anything: to silence scientists, hide important documents, rewrite history, arrange large-scale dramatizations.

On the other hand, the same forces, for some unknown reason, are unable to remove from YouTube a video that show business stars work for the Illuminati and broadcast secret messages in their songs. Or shut down numerous groups of anti-vaccinators and bring their creators to justice.

As a result, it turns out that the top secret information, for example, that vaccinations cause autism, was shot by Stanley Kubrick, and all heads of government, in fact, disguised alien reptiles, hide so "well" that for some reason hundreds of thousands know about it Internet users.

4. It is not clear why all this is needed

The conspirators spend such a colossal amount of resources to create and implement their insidious plan, but it is completely unclear what their goal is.

Why should the government create a legend that the Earth is round, falsify research, over and over again "draw" photos and videos from space and show the launch of non-existent rockets?

Or why should children be vaccinated when vaccines do cause autism? After all, then there will be much more people with autism spectrum disorders and the state will need to allocate money for their treatment. However, many of these people will never be able to work, pay taxes, have children and thus contribute to the demography. As cruel as it sounds, unhealthy citizens are not beneficial to the government. And it is completely incomprehensible what the benefit is to him in order to increase the incidence.

Sometimes conspiracy theorists have answers to these questions, but they sound as unconvincing as possible. For example, the state deprives people of health in order to enrich the pharmaceutical lobby. But humanity already suffers from so many ailments that pharmacists will not have to sit around for a long time, and it is pointless to artificially increase the number of cases.
