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How to grab the audience's attention during a public speech
How to grab the audience's attention during a public speech

To do this, you need to focus on one person, and not look at all the listeners at once.

How to grab the audience's attention during a public speech
How to grab the audience's attention during a public speech

Choose someone who is already looking you in the eye. Maintain eye contact with this person. After a while, establish contact with another listener. This will be easier, because by this moment more people will be looking at you.

Why This Technique Works

We are attracted by

Especially if it's not directed at us. If you look someone in the eye, others will notice that you are paying attention to someone. They will start looking at you. First, to see what you are doing. Secondly, hoping to get your attention too.

We subconsciously get closer

Eye contact is a powerful tool. When you catch someone's eye, you kind of invite that person to cooperate and interact with you. And he instantly becomes more receptive to your speech. This trick is used by politicians and motivational speakers.

How to learn to use this technique

To hone this skill, you need to learn how to shift your attention while speaking. Try making “eye contact” with different parts of the room or furniture the next time you prepare to speak. Focus on a chair, for example. Then turn your attention to the window.

Try to switch between the right and left sides of the room. Or near and far. Indeed, during a real speech, you will not only look at the people sitting right in front of you.

Gradually, it will not be difficult for you to apply this technique. You will stop thinking about it and will perform these actions automatically. Then the performance itself will give you more pleasure.
