Table of contents:

What is basal temperature and how to measure it
What is basal temperature and how to measure it

It is a way to predict ovulation, pregnancy, and periods.

What is basal temperature and how to measure it
What is basal temperature and how to measure it

What is basal temperature

Basal body temperature for natural family planning refers to the temperature that is measured in the rectum, mouth or vagina. But this concept is not about the place of measurement.

The Greek word basis means "base", "base". Accordingly, the basal temperature is "baseline". It represents the body temperature in a state of complete rest.

Each person has their own basal temperature. It usually fluctuates. What is Basal Body Temperature? - Definition & Examples 36.1 ° C to 36.6 ° C.

Basal temperature can be caught in the morning, right after sleep, but strictly before you get out of bed: from any physical activity, the body heats up, so the measurements will turn out to be incorrect.

Why you need to measure basal temperature

Basal temperature is closely related to hormones. Depending on the hormonal background, it may decrease slightly or, on the contrary, increase. These changes are monitored daily using a thermometer and recording the values obtained on a graph. It turns out something like this:

Basal temperature
Basal temperature

The female hormone estrogen has a key effect on changes in basal temperature, so the resulting graph is the most informative for women. In men, the fluctuations will not be as pronounced.

The basal temperature chart is considered one of the methods of natural family planning. It suits those couples who do not force things, but generally do not mind having children. The method is rather unreliable. For example, in some women, ovulation is not accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature. Or this indicator is growing, but because of ARVI. Stress, lack of sleep and other factors also play a role in fluctuations in basal temperature.

But if you know about these factors and make notes in the drawing, the risk of errors can be minimized. Just record the changes month after month - and in the end you will find patterns that will allow you to understand the intricacies of your personal menstrual cycle. Here's what you can do with a graph.

Visually see how the monthly cycle develops

In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature fluctuates Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Charting from about 36, 1 ° C to 36, 4 ° C and changes smoothly from day to day, decreasing or increasing literally by 0.1 ° C.

Determine ovulation

During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary and travels to the uterus. A couple of days before and after this event are considered the most "fertile" period of the monthly cycle. It is noticed that immediately before the release of the egg, the basal rate drops sharply, and when it travels along the fallopian tube, it rises, up to 37 ° C.

If you want to have a child, you should have unprotected sex immediately after you see the failure on the chart and the rapid growth that follows.

Calculate "safe" days in terms of possible conception

If you are hoping to avoid pregnancy, unprotected sex is prohibited. Basal body temperature for natural family planning from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until 3-4 days after the "ovulation" increase in basal temperature.

If you are not ready for pregnancy, choose a more reliable method of contraception - condoms or contraceptives prescribed by your gynecologist.

Predict when your period will come

This will happen shortly after the temperature begins to drop to the standard values for the first half of the cycle.

Detect pregnancy

If the “ovulation” temperature rise does not subside within 18 days, you are most likely pregnant. Basal body temperature for natural family planning.

How to measure basal temperature

First of all, you need a thermometer. Regular mercury or electronic will do, but it's better to buy a basal one: such gadgets are more accurate and more convenient for use in the rectum or vagina. The thermometer must be prepared in advance by placing it on the nightstand next to the bed in the evening.

Here are some important measurement rules:

  1. Take the temperature in the same place. Choose any location: mouth, anus, vagina. And do not change it in the future.
  2. Try to measure the temperature at the same time. Indulgence - maximum half an hour. For example, if you started doing this at 8 am, the thermometer should not be used earlier than 7 am and later 9. If you failed to keep the time, make a note on the chart - the result may not be entirely reliable.
  3. Get enough sleep. For an accurate result, you must sleep at least 3 hours before starting the measurement.
  4. Use the thermometer strictly before getting out of bed. If you measure at 8, but today woke up at 6 because you wanted to use the toilet, first find out the temperature. This will make the results more reliable.
  5. Measure the temperature exclusively while lying down. That is why it is important that the thermometer is on the bedside table - you should easily reach it with your hand.
  6. Write down the temperature immediately after the measurement - so as not to forget and not get confused in approximately the same values.
  7. Build a graph on graph paper. Be sure to note any events that may affect the accuracy of the measurements. For example, going to bed late, insomnia, sex, colds, alcohol consumption, jet lag, stress, and other factors. Such markings will help explain possible unusual fluctuations.
  8. Make a schedule for at least three months in a row to track patterns in it.
