Table of contents:

5 steps to the life you dream of
5 steps to the life you dream of

Stop floundering helplessly in the ocean of life, listening to pessimists and constantly thinking about the past, ignoring the possibilities of the present. You only have "now"! In his new best-selling book, acclaimed personal growth coach Erik Bertrand Larssen reveals simple recipes for happiness in life.

5 steps to the life you dream of
5 steps to the life you dream of

Don't miss the moment - that's all you have.

We often recall the past and unreasonably worry about the future, forgetting that all the possibilities for changing the life situation are in the present. Eric Bertrand Larssen, who gave us extremely useful books "" and "", suggests to stop for a moment and finally feel like not an outside observer, but the master of your life.

More and more often we feel that the ocean of life carries us in an unknown direction, like a ship without a helmsman. There is no time to realize what is happening, build a strategy of movement and finally swim where you want, and not where you have to.

When days are overwhelmed with responsibilities, deadlines and endless tasks, it is very difficult to focus on something really important and understand your true desires. We often make most decisions unconsciously, and some of them are just a way to meet the expectations of other people or society as a whole. But let's pause life for a while and make positive adjustments to our thinking. Now.

Believe in your capabilities

The greatest difference between successful and unsuccessful people is, in my observation, not intelligence, resources, or ability. It consists in the ability to achieve the intended goal and to believe in this ability.

James Clear writer and photographer

Have you noticed how children sincerely believe in the fulfillment of their desires? They have not a shadow of a doubt that everything will definitely work out. Obstacles? There is no such word. "Anything is possible" is exactly the type of thinking that every person needs.

Around is full of critics, pessimists, disillusioned with everything people, who from day to day will clip your wings with the phrases “Live like all normal people”, “Why do you need this? What if it won't work? "," It's too late to change something! "," Stop dreaming, live reality. " Self-belief should be the cornerstone of your life. And it doesn't matter whether your family and friends support you, whether it will meet the expectations of society, just believe that changes are possible and they depend only on your specific actions.

Set big goals for yourself because they are easier to hit.

Friedrich Schiller philosopher

Be ambitious, daring in your dreams and persistent in your deeds! Life is a long journey, during which you yourself pave the route to your goals. Move only forward and enjoy the road. Remember every moment and enjoy what you see. Remember that you are capable of throwing anything out of your life at any moment.

To believe in your strengths and capabilities, follow a few rules.

  • Take a simpler attitude to the difficulties that arise, try to calmly analyze the situation and find ways to solve it. Don't panic. Make the installation “I can do anything! I can handle! There are no unsolvable problems."
  • Don't compare yourself and your life situations to others. You are unique. You should not think that if something did not work out for your friend, then your outcome of the case is a foregone conclusion. Do not look back at others, go to your goal, to your dream. Take action.
  • Remember your victories, achievements, and successful decisions more often. Do you feel it? You have been through a lot and gained a huge amount of experience. This time you will succeed too.
  • Connect with positive, successful, confident people. They will motivate you to keep going. In addition, positive energy attracts happiness and joy. What you need!
  • Never give up. After all, the dawn always comes after the darkness of the night. And after a series of difficulties - victory.

Define your values

Values are your inner core, a part of your personality and a filter for making decisions. When a person realizes what is really important to him, he stops hesitating and taking wrong steps. After all, values are the most important guideline for setting priorities.

Answer the question in writing: "What is the most valuable thing in my life for me?" Write down at least 16 values. Now cross out all but three. These values will become your basis for acquiring inner strength, a framework for life. Follow them every day.

Developing ground rules for life removes many doubts, gives you peace of mind, and helps you set the right goals. Everyone determines his own system of values. This could be:

  • healthy self-love, opening the heart to the world and other people;
  • caring for family and friends;
  • creating a home;
  • the second half, which gives you inspiration and motivates you to accomplish;
  • love for children;
  • self-realization;
  • travel and acquaintance with the world;
  • setting and achieving goals;
  • life itself, multifaceted and unique.

Going out on the path of your life, check with the compass of values. It's easy to go astray, and you may not even notice it until it's too late.

Be bold

- Captain! We are surrounded!

- Perfectly! Now we can attack in any direction.

Forget fear, get it out of your head. Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken, remember? Allow yourself to fail. This is an important experience and a significant step towards better decisions in the future. You must dare to win in sports, love, business and life in general. Allow yourself to dream and reach the top.

Fear makes us lifeless and paralyzed. As a rule, these are completely unfounded experiences that should be blocked by an effort of will, and then say to yourself: “I'm not afraid, because I will succeed. If not, I'll take it as a useful life lesson and move on."

If you think you have a problem, then you have a problem. Where you see an obstacle, others will see an opportunity. What seems to you to be the simplest thing in the world is a real achievement for others. This also applies to everyday life trifles and the most important issues.

If you are faced with difficulty and difficult circumstances, just realize that the situation has changed and adjust your path to the goal. Challenge your fear and learn to embrace change. There are situations in which you can do something, and cases that you just need to let go. Try to learn to distinguish between them, and you will see how much easier life and understanding of the world will become clearer. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the power over it.

Keep order

You can only achieve the maximum when your time is structured and you skillfully use the prioritization system. This helps to properly allocate your energy to really necessary and secondary matters.

Start your work day by prioritizing: identify which tasks are more important and start with them. Never do several things at the same time. Only after finishing one thing, take on another.

Establishing order is the best way to deal with stress. The Pomodoro method will help you meet face to face the various challenges that you face in the course of work and study. Set a timer for 25 minutes, during which you must do exactly one thing. While the time is counting down, you cannot be distracted, have a cup of coffee, check your email.

Trust me, 25 minutes is longer than you think. And if you manage to complete this session without hindrance, you will find that you have done an incredible amount of time. When the time is up, take a five minute break and start a new session. For a few "tomatoes" you are guaranteed to have time to do much more than usual.

Learn to say no. Often we shoulder an unbearable burden on our shoulders, being ashamed to give up something. Really evaluate and value your time. None of us have more than 24 hours a day.

By constantly using time management, you realize how much you can get done, and you will move towards your goal much more confidently, faster and with more enthusiasm.

Live here and now

How often do you realize that you are living? Seriously, how much do you manage to keep track of the changes taking place around and with your loved ones? Learn to stop and capture your reality. You can do it mentally, or you can make it a rule to take one photo a day. The one that hooked the soul and lifted the spirits.

Try to switch during the day. When you come home from work, forget about business. Give time to your loved ones. To make it easier to do, use the rule of "magic steps".

When you come back from a long day at work and turn onto the road to your house, take two very deep belly breaths. Then close your eyes and say to yourself: “Now my work day is over. Now I will be the best husband and father / wife and mother in the world."

The first step to your apartment or home leaves work behind. It disappears from your head. Calls, meetings, agreements, clients and strategies. Everything you need to remember.

The second step neutralizes brain congestion. Your head becomes empty. Your thoughts turn into a transparent, clean stream. No worries.

On the third step, you turn your attention to the family that is waiting for you at home. Once! And all your thoughts are now focused on these people. Be curious. Try to understand their affairs as best as possible and put yourself in their place. Bend over to talk to the children. Listen as closely as possible to understand your other half.

Shift your focus with active, mindful thoughts and actions. Change your working mood to home, enjoy the other side of your life, feel every moment. This will be a tremendous recharge for future achievements and more efficient work.

So, you stopped, put aside doubts and fears, believed in yourself and built a path to your dream. Now you can exhale, smile and start your conscious journey, looking around with curiosity and enjoying the views.

In The Now, you will find many more great working ideas that motivate positive change and fulfilling lives. Live, love and drink with rapture every breath of reality. You can do everything!
