Video of the day: Japanese humanoid robot installs drywall
Video of the day: Japanese humanoid robot installs drywall

And he copes with this quite well.

Video of the day: Japanese humanoid robot installs drywall
Video of the day: Japanese humanoid robot installs drywall

HRP-5P is a humanoid robot developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology () in Tokyo, which is capable of performing construction work. For example, as demonstrated in this video, the HRP-5P (or, informally, Herb) is capable of installing drywall panels.

The robot uses a variety of cameras and sensors that analyze its surroundings, detecting objects and obstacles. The AI of the robot can plan its actions depending on the situation and the tasks assigned to it.

In the video, the HRP-5P carefully picks up a sheet of drywall, places it on the wall, and nails it to the beams with an air gun.

And although while the robot is slow and clumsy, the creators are confident that it will be able to complete its tasks much faster. It is expected that the HRP-5P and its modifications will serve on construction sites, shipyards and aircraft factories.

There are already quite a few robots that can perform construction and assembly work, but all of them are, in fact, just large movable limbs on stationary platforms. The humanoid HRP-5P is much more mobile and will be able to work where it would be difficult to place a larger industrial robot.

In addition, in Japan, the problem of an aging population and a decline in the birth rate is quite acute. According to AIST specialists, in the future HRP-5P will replace a person in those spheres associated with manual labor, where there is a shortage of labor.
