Table of contents:

10 plane crash movies that will make you nervous
10 plane crash movies that will make you nervous

Biographical drama from Clint Eastwood, thriller from Robert Zemeckis and other exciting films.

10 plane crash movies that will make you nervous
10 plane crash movies that will make you nervous

10. Someone else's ticket

  • USA, 2000.
  • Drama, melodrama.
  • Duration: 106 minutes.
  • IMDb: 5, 7.
Films about the plane crash: "Another's ticket"
Films about the plane crash: "Another's ticket"

Advertiser Buddy is returning home from a business trip. While waiting for a flight at the airport, he meets Greg, who is hurrying home to his family and beautiful Mimi. To stay in a strange city with a new girlfriend, he nobly presents his ticket to Greg. He crashes in this flight. Then Buddy decides to atone for his guilt. He meets the wife of the deceased and tries to help her survive the grief. At the same time, the man keeps secret his participation in the death of Greg.

This is a very touching and romantic film. It is not distinguished by a dynamic plot, but it melts the hearts of the audience thanks to languor and sensuality. The performance of Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck makes the film remarkable among other melodramas.

9. Airport

  • USA, 1970.
  • Action, thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 137 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 6.
Films about plane crashes: "Airport"
Films about plane crashes: "Airport"

Mel Bakersfeld is the manager of Lincoln International Airport. In a raging blizzard, he desperately tries to keep the airport operating, despite a host of problems, both personal and professional. At the same time, his colleague, pilot Vernon Dimiest, also burdened by difficult life circumstances, is flying the plane. Suddenly, Vernon is informed that there is a terrorist and a stowaway old woman on board.

This picture is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Arthur Haley. The film became the forerunner of many modern films about plane crashes. Despite the considerable age of the tape, it looks in the same breath to this day.

8. Air prison

  • USA, 1997.
  • Action, thriller, crime.
  • Duration: 115 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 9.
Plane Crash Films: "Air Prison"
Plane Crash Films: "Air Prison"

Cameron Poe is a retired ranger who is thrown to jail due to manslaughter. He served his sentence and is now flying home. However, Cameron does not go on an ordinary passenger ship: there are criminals on board with him. One of them, a repeat offender Cyrus, hijacks the plane. Now Cameron is trying to rectify the situation in order to get home. In this he is assisted by Marshal Vince Larkin, who needs to prevent the escape of dangerous criminals.

The plot of the film will make even the most calm and indifferent viewers nervous and worried. The effect is enhanced by the fact that the main character of the film is playing a double game: he tries to "pass for his own" in a row of prisoners, but at the same time tries to free the plane. In addition to the intriguing course of action, one of the strengths of the film is the cast. The main roles in the film were played by colorful Nicolas Cage, John Malkovich and John Cusack.

7. Air Marshal

  • UK, France, USA, Canada, 2014.
  • Detective, thriller, thriller.
  • Duration: 106 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 9.

Bill Marks is an Air Marshal. He travels by plane from New York to London. During the flight, Bill receives an SMS stating that one passenger will die on the plane every 20 minutes. Victims can be avoided if TSA transfers $ 150 million to some offshore account. Bill contacts his superiors to explain the situation. But they hardly trust their colleague, since the unfortunate account was opened in the name of Bill. Now the marshal needs to deal with the terrorists alone.

The film is set in a confined space, and each subsequent scene creates more and more tension. The effect is enhanced by the fact that each character is in the category of suspects, and this increasingly confuses both the protagonist and the viewer.

6. On the verge

  • USA, 1997.
  • Action, thriller, drama, adventure.
  • Duration: 117 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 9.
Films about plane crashes: "On the Edge"
Films about plane crashes: "On the Edge"

Billionaire Charles accompanies his supermodel wife and her photographer Robert to a photo shoot in Alaska. After filming some material, Robert invites Charles to fly and look for an even more picturesque location for filming. During the search, their plane crashes. Of the four men on board, only Charles and Robert survive. Now they need to get out of this mess, and for this they need to be a team. The task is complicated by the fact that Charles suspects his mistress in connection with the photographer.

The whole film is based on the confrontation between two rivals - the age and wise Charles and the young and biting Robert. But the main interest is in learning what is necessary to survive in the wild: flexible mind and experience, or the ability to take risks and youthful strength. Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin perfectly played rivals either at warring or helping each other.

5. Crew

  • USA, UAE, 2012.
  • Thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 138 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 3.

Captain William Whitaker spends the night before her shift with Trina, who uses cocaine and alcohol. The next day, during the flight, William's ship enters a zone of turbulence. Suddenly, a breakdown occurs in the ship's mechanism, and the plane begins to fall. An accomplished pilot, William lands a plane in an empty field in a perilous manner, saving the lives of 96 people on board. However, six people are killed during the hard landing. The union starts an investigation into the cause of the accident. And now the pilot faces life imprisonment, because traces of alcohol and drugs are found in his blood.

The film marked the resumption of Robert Zemeckis's work in the fictional genre: before The Crew, the director had been making animated films for 11 years (A Christmas Story, Beowulf, The Polar Express). The comeback proved to be a triumphant one: critics around the world were generously affectionate for the film. And the role of William is even called one of the best in Denzel Washington's career.

4. Miracle on the Hudson

  • USA, 2016.
  • Drama, biography.
  • Duration: 96 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 4.

Pilot Chesley Sullenberger lands a damaged plane on the Hudson River. He performs a real miracle - he saves the lives of all people on board. Chesley is considered a hero by the public. However, the National Security Council questions the rationality of such an action. The fact is that at the time of landing, the ship still had all the technical capabilities to land at the nearest airport. The investigation casts doubt on the pilot's reputation.

The picture was shot by Clint Eastwood - is it any wonder that the result was a deep, dark drama about a strong man. The director skillfully plays with the audience's feelings, forcing them to empathize with the hero faced with devaluation and meanness.

The film is based on the true story of the pilot Chesley Sullenberger.

3. Lost flight

  • USA, UK, France, 2006.
  • Thriller, drama, history.
  • Duration: 111 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 5.

The film tries to recreate the possible events that took place on the plane that was involved in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Four Arabs seize the ship, and the passengers courageously try to resist them. At the same time, attempts are being made to prevent a catastrophe at the air traffic control center.

According to the filmmakers, the events were reconstructed based on observations from the cockpit and calls made by passengers to their loved ones. Also, director Paul Greengrass communicated with the families of the victims and collected detailed information about the victims, down to the color of their clothes and taste preferences.

The lack of special effects, detailed actual preparation and the fact that there are no famous actors in the frame made the film very poignant. The viewer easily identifies with the victims and therefore experiences really strong emotions.

2. Crew

  • USSR, 1979.
  • Action, thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 135 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 5.
Films about plane crashes: "Crew"
Films about plane crashes: "Crew"

The first Russian disaster film in two parts. The first tells about the personal life of the pilots and the difficulties they experience in relations with their families. In the second part, the heroes deliver humanitarian aid to people affected by the earthquake. After landing at the airport, new vibrations begin. Thanks to their professionalism and courage, the pilots still lift the plane into the sky, but the ship was severely damaged, and now the lives of the crew members and passengers are in danger.

The legendary film was shot by Alexander Mitta, who became a classic of Soviet cinema. The two parts of the film differ greatly in genre (in the first we see drama, in the second - a disaster), but on the whole the work looks very harmonious. Thanks to this combination of genres and strong acting, the picture caused a real stir among the audience. At the moment, the tape is included in the golden fund of Soviet cinema.

1. Airplane

  • USA, 1980.
  • Comedy.
  • Duration: 88 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 7.
Films about plane crashes: "Airplane!"
Films about plane crashes: "Airplane!"

Former fighter pilot Ted Stryker is trying to reclaim the love of his life - flight attendant Helen. Despite his aerophobia, which Ted acquired after a bad military experience, he decides to accompany the girl on a plane from Los Angeles to Chicago. However, in flight everything goes awry: everyone on board suffers from food poisoning, and now there is no one to control the plane. Gathering all his strength, Ted agrees to the role of the ship's captain.

The film parodies well-known disaster films, and also contains explicit references to the cult films of its time (for example, "Apocalypse Now", "Saturday Night Fever"). But despite the purely humorous nature of the picture, it was noted by many prestigious film awards. And the film is periodically included in the lists of the most significant comedies according to the versions of various Western magazines.
