Why you can't sleep during takeoff and landing
Why you can't sleep during takeoff and landing

If you are going to fall asleep in a comfortable chair at the beginning and end of the flight, you risk your health.

Why you can't sleep during takeoff and landing
Why you can't sleep during takeoff and landing

Sleeping during takeoff and landing can seriously damage your ears.

The fact is that at this time the air pressure in the cabin changes sharply. When an airplane gains altitude, there is a difference between the pressure in the ear drum and atmospheric pressure. Air presses on the eardrum, the lumen of the Eustachian tube becomes narrower. From this phenomenon, a person's ears are blocked.

Severe congestion not only causes unbearable pain, but can also lead to dizziness, nosebleeds, ear infections, damage to the eardrum, and even hearing loss.

If you sleep, you will not be able to take action to relieve the pressure on your eardrums. You will not be able to activate the muscles that open the Eustachian tube and supply air to the middle ear.

Of course, you can sleep during the flight. Just wait a few minutes from the start of the flight and try to wake up before landing.
