Table of contents:

How to change your speech to appear more confident
How to change your speech to appear more confident

Use these tips if you want to impress the next time you talk to your boss or speak to coworkers.

How to change your speech to appear more confident
How to change your speech to appear more confident

Understand what you need to change

Evaluate different aspects of your speech and decide what exactly you need to work on. If you yourself find it difficult to understand what the problem is, ask a friend or colleague for help, or record yourself on a dictaphone.


The way we pronounce the phrase often affects the perception of the listeners. For example, inflating (interrogative) intonation at the end of each sentence undermines the credibility of your words.


Speaking too quickly without pauses gives the impression that you are nervous.


A voice that is too quiet or too loud does not add to your confidence either. Try to speak a little louder than usual so that you can be heard clearly without sounding rude.

Pause placeholders

"Ah", "uh", "well" and other similar sounds make it difficult to perceive speech.


Here you will especially need someone's help, because we ourselves do not notice which phrases and phrases we use too often. You may always say the same thing when you take the time to think about the answer - "That's a good question!" Or you abuse the phrases "Sorry to interrupt …", "I'm not sure if this is important, but …".


After deciding what you need to change in your speech, practice speaking in a new way as often as possible. Big public speaking isn't that often, so start practicing in everyday situations.

  • When talking to colleagues … While you don't have to seem super confident over a cup of coffee, having a casual conversation with your coworkers is a great opportunity to practice speaking skills without fear or anxiety.
  • When proposing ideas at meetings … How confidently you present your idea often determines whether it will be heard and received with respect.
  • When you comment on someone else's work … Sounding confident is essential if you need to assess another employee’s work or skills. In this situation, try to practice at least one aspect of your speech that you want to change.
  • When you ask questions … There are many opportunities for practice here, because we ask questions often - at meetings, meetings, trainings, seminars.

How to further increase your confidence


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight, gesturing as usual - as during a casual conversation.

Eye contact

If you are speaking in front of a group of people, look each person in the eye in turn for 3-5 seconds. In a one-on-one conversation, you can look away, and then look the other person in the eyes again.

Language of the body

Do not cross your arms and legs, do not put your hands in your pockets. The pose should be open and relaxed.
