Table of contents:

How and how much to cook carrots
How and how much to cook carrots

There are several ways to cook a vegetable in a saucepan, slow cooker, microwave and oven.

How and how much to cook carrots
How and how much to cook carrots

How to prepare carrots

Before cooking, carrots must be washed so that no dirt remains on them. It is most convenient to do this with a stiff brush.

How and how much to cook carrots: Preparing carrots
How and how much to cook carrots: Preparing carrots

If you are boiling carrots whole or in large portions, you do not need to skin them. This can be done after boiling.

If you plan to chop the vegetable into small pieces or grate, then peel it.

How much to cook carrots

The larger the carrot, the longer it takes to cook. To speed up the process, the whole vegetable can be cut into several pieces.

Frozen carrots are boiled as much as fresh carrots. You do not need to defrost it beforehand.

Focus on the time indicated in the recommendations. But be sure to check the readiness of the carrots with a knife, fork or toothpick: they should easily fit into a soft vegetable.

How to cook carrots in a saucepan

Whole carrot

Place the carrots in a saucepan and cover completely with cold water. If you add hot, the vegetable will cook faster, but unevenly.

Place a lid on the saucepan and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Then reduce it and cook the carrots for 25-40 minutes, depending on the size.

Chopped carrots

Put it in boiling water. Cook the carrots, covered over medium heat, for 6-15 minutes, depending on size.

How to steam carrots in a saucepan

Pour some water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a colander or steaming rack on top. It should not touch the water.

How and how much to cook carrots: Steaming
How and how much to cook carrots: Steaming

Place the carrots in a colander or stand and cover. A whole vegetable will cook for 25–35 minutes, and a chopped one for 8–15 minutes.

How to cook carrots in a slow cooker

Pour some water into the multicooker bowl and place a steaming container on top. Place vegetables in there and close the lid.

Set the "Steam cooking" mode. Cook whole carrots for 20-30 minutes and chopped carrots for about 10 minutes.

How to cook carrots in the microwave

Place the carrots in a microwave safe container. Pour in some water and cover with a lid or plate.

How and how much to cook carrots: Cooking in the microwave
How and how much to cook carrots: Cooking in the microwave

You can use a regular plastic bag instead of dishes. Put vegetables in there and pour in some water. Tie the bag loosely and place it on a plate for convenience.

Cook the carrots at full power. Chopped carrots will be ready in 3-8 minutes and whole carrots in 10-15.

How to cook boiled carrots in the oven

How and how much to cook carrots: Cooking in the oven
How and how much to cook carrots: Cooking in the oven

Such carrots will not be inferior to ordinary boiled ones in taste and color. As a rule, whole vegetables are cooked in this way.

Wrap 1-2 carrots in foil. For greater softness, you can grease them with vegetable oil.

Place the carrots in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Then remove and let cool completely in foil.
