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13 signs you're wasting your life
13 signs you're wasting your life

You may not even admit it to yourself.

13 signs you're wasting your life
13 signs you're wasting your life

1. You are busy too much time with what is generally not worth doing

Computer games, reality shows, phone sticking, overeating, alcohol abuse. The list goes on.

Take your life seriously. What do you spend most of your time on? Does it benefit you in any way? Contributes to a better life in the future? If not, it's worth changing something in your daily routine.

2. You complain often

There are people for whom life constantly seems too hard, and they talk about it incessantly. Think, have you turned into one of these characters? If you regularly complain about a job, boss, salary, neighbors, or partner, you are simply spreading negativity. And it does not change anything, only prevents you from moving forward.

Try to break this habit and talk more often about what you like in your life.

3. You don't feed your mind

If you do not develop and learn nothing, stagnation sets in. Imagine a body of stagnant water overgrown with mud. Much the same happens to the brain, if you do not try something new.

4. You are stuck in negative thoughts

Self-talk can have a huge impact on life. As Henry Ford said: "Whatever you think - that you will succeed, or that nothing will work out, in any case you are right."

If you keep telling yourself that you are not smart enough to get promoted or start your own business, you will. If you repeat that you are too tired to try to change something, nothing will happen.

What we say to ourselves becomes our reality.

Track your internal dialogue. And you will notice that life begins to adjust to thoughts.

5. You are not inspired

Do you have any hobby or passion? Many people think that they are simply not interested in anything, but this does not happen. There should be something that pleases you and gives you pleasure. Find an activity or hobby and spend more time with it.

6. You don't plan your future

Yes, it is very important to be in the present moment, but sometimes you have to think about what you want from the future. If you have no purpose, you move through life like a boat that drifts in the ocean, hoping to be washed ashore. This is not a very good strategy.

Imagine that you have a GPS-like sensor inside you guiding you to your target. Listen to it and come up with a step-by-step plan of action that will help you get to where you would like to be.

7. You spend too much time with people who pull you back

They are called energy vampires for a reason. They draw energy from others and give nothing in return. With such people you will not get ahead, you will not get better. Try to stop or at least cut down on the communication. And spend more time with those who are trying to grow and support others.

8. You are addicted to your phone

Of course, the phone is a useful device, but we pick it up too often. Think about how much time you wasted navigating from app to app or hanging out on social media. Also, imagine how this affects your relationships with others. After all, if at a family dinner or friendly gatherings you do not look up from the phone, you are missing out on the opportunity to be with loved ones consciously.

9. You waste money on unnecessary things

There is a big difference between "need" and "want", but in today's consumer society this line is very blurred. Some have completely forgotten how to distinguish it - for example, they buy the latest models of gadgets when they do not have enough for a mortgage.

But if you think about it, a person does not need so much - first of all food, a roof over his head and love.

So look at your spending and think about what you can change. Surely there are purchases that you can refuse, and use the freed up money to improve your future.

10. You don't get enough sleep

I'm not a doctor, but I know enough to say that sleep is the key to good health. If you constantly stay up late and sleep little, you are hurting yourself. Reevaluate your habits to allow more time to sleep.

11. You don't care about your health

Of course, you've heard about this a hundred times already, but proper nutrition and physical activity are really necessary. Therefore, try to maintain a balanced, healthy diet and exercise more. This will affect your weight, mental health, and overall well-being.

12. You stay in your comfort zone

I understand that it's easier this way. For example, I order the same thing myself when I go to my favorite restaurant. But this is a trifle. It’s bad if, out of fear of discomfort, you don’t try to improve your life. Sometimes you need to take a risk, it is just advisable to weigh it in advance. But don't give up on something just because you have to step out of your comfort zone to complete the plan.

13. You are not happy with life

I measure success in life by happiness. Moreover, the feeling of satisfaction is not the same. Try to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. If you are unhappy, change something!

First of all, get rid of the idea that you cannot change anything.

It is such reasoning that most often interferes with action. So change your thinking and your life will change.
