Table of contents:

What is callanetics and will it help you lose weight
What is callanetics and will it help you lose weight

These simple home workouts are suitable for people of all skill levels.

What is callanetics and will it help you lose weight
What is callanetics and will it help you lose weight

Callanetics is a training system invented by former ballerina Callan Pinckney in the early 1970s. She adapted exercises from ballet and yoga to relieve her back problems, and then began to apply the technique to people with similar problems.

Later, callanetics was presented as an effective training method that allows you to exercise only two or three times a week, do calm exercises without any equipment, and at the same time quickly get a toned body with excellent posture.

What is the essence of callanetics

This is a series of static stretching and muscle strengthening positions. Poses include forward and side bends, abdominal folds, various lying leg and pelvic raises, shallow squats, and leg and hip stretches. In total, the callanetics system has about 30 exercises in which different muscles of the body work.

Each pose is held for 25-100 seconds, depending on the preparation of the person. At the very beginning of training, the exercise is performed as long as it is possible, and then its duration gradually increases.

The main difference between callanetics and other similar practices is the presence of pulsation. These are subtle movements in a range of about 1 centimeter, which are performed in each position. It is said that this pulsation, together with the correct performance of the postures, provides muscle tone.

Does callanetics help you lose weight

Callanetics proponents claim that the system loads the deep layers of the muscles and allows you to burn fat, and one hour of training is equivalent to seven hours of gymnastics. However, such claims have no scientific basis: no research has been carried out.

What's more, compared to vigorous exercise, statics burns far fewer calories. For example, for an hour of yoga class, you can burn about 180 kcal (with a weight of 80 kilograms), while regular walking will spend about 250 kcal.

Based on this, we can conclude that callanetics is an ineffective method for losing weight compared to the same walking, not to mention more intense activities like jogging or interval training.

Is callanetics good for health

Since science is not interested in callanetics, it is impossible to say for sure whether this system is good for health and whether it can help better than similar methods. However, given that many of the poses here copy yoga asanas and include stretching and muscle tension, a beneficial effect on the body can be assumed.

Stretching will help strengthen weak muscles and increase their endurance, passive stretching will improve flexibility, and static exercises will help you cope with back pain.

Who is callanetics suitable for?

Due to the mild effect on the body, the absence of shock loads and strong stress, callanetics is suitable for people:

  • with a low level of physical fitness;
  • being overweight;
  • in old age.

Exercises can be easily changed for any level of training: use simplified poses, and adjust the holding time depending on your capabilities.

For whom callanetics is not suitable

Among the contraindications to classes are noted:

  • any types of surgical interventions in the last year;
  • poor eyesight;
  • asthma and other respiratory diseases;
  • spine diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Before starting a workout, be sure to consult with your doctor. This is especially important if you have had injuries, chronic illnesses, or are pregnant in the past, or if you are over 50.

Excerpt from the book "Callanetics in 10 minutes a day" by Lyusi Burbo

How to do callanetics

All callanetics poses are quite simple and available for mastering without an instructor. Moreover, classes do not require additional devices - only a rug, some free space and a chair.

The book recommends starting workouts with 30 minutes three times a week, and then gradually bringing the time to 1 hour three times a week. After achieving the results, it is allowed to reduce the frequency of classes to two, and then to one hour per week.

Before starting the exercises, you need to do a warm-up - it will warm up the muscles and prepare the body for basic movements.

How to warm up

Raising hands up

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Do a small squat with a forward bend of the body and, as you inhale, raise your arms through the sides up. Stretch up with your entire body, stretching your stomach and back.

As you exhale, lower your arms and tilt your body again. At the top point, stretch the spine, stretch the top of the head up. Repeat three to five times.

Warm up the shoulders

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, gently bend your knees, place your palms on your hips in front. As you inhale, bend your back, take your shoulders and elbows back, bring your shoulder blades together and push your chest forward. As you exhale, point your elbows and shoulders forward and round your back. Do it five to six times.

Warm up the body

Stand straight, spread your straight arms to the sides, turn them palms up, bend your knees slightly. As you exhale, bring the body to the right side, reaching for your hand. Imagine you want to reach the wall. While inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Make three movements in each direction.

Warm up the hips

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Leave your upper body motionless, straighten your shoulders and open your chest. Make three or five bends of the pelvis from side to side, and then the same amount - forward and backward. Try to move with maximum amplitude.

Forward tilt

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, straighten your knees. Lean forward with your back straight. Feel the back of your thigh muscles stretch. Grasp your right leg with crossed arms and stretch, trying to press your body against the leg.

Spend 10 seconds in this pose and then repeat on the other side. Then move the body to the center, cross your arms and grab your legs from behind by the ankles. Stretch in this position for 10 seconds and straighten the body.

How to do basic callanetics exercises

Do all movements smoothly and under control. If you can't do the specified number of times, focus on your capabilities. Once your body gets used to it, you will be able to increase the load.

Stretching and strengthening abdominal muscles

Stand straight with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, look forward. Pull your right hand up, put your left hand on your stomach. Stretch up, tighten your glutes, and bend over to the left side.

Sway gently in a small amplitude. Perform the movement smoothly, make sure that the body tilts clearly to the side, and not forward or backward, keep your back straight. Perform 25 ripples in each direction.

Exercise on the press

Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Wrap your arms around your inner thighs and pull yourself as high as possible towards your legs. Lift your head, shoulders, and shoulder blades off the floor, round your upper back, and keep your lower back pressed to the floor.

Extend straight arms to the sides of the body and begin to raise and lower the body due to the contraction of the abdominal muscles. Work in a small amplitude, do not swing, strain only your abs, not your neck. Perform 25-30 pulsations.

Exercise on the front of the thighs

Stand next to a support, such as the back of a chair, and place your hands on it. Place your feet together, bring your heels together and spread your toes apart. Lower your shoulders and straighten your chest, straighten your back and stretch your crown towards the ceiling.

Stand on your toes, bend your knees and turn them to the sides. In this position, round your lower back, tighten your glutes and abs, and push your pelvis forward and up - this is the first level of the exercise.

Then go down a little lower - to the second level, tighten your abs again, squeeze your buttocks and give your pelvis forward. Return the pelvis to its normal position, but do not fully relax the buttocks.

Go down even lower - to the third level of the exercise - and again repeat the forward feed of the pelvis with the tension of the buttocks. You have completed the first set. Return to the first level and repeat again. To get started, follow two approaches, gradually strive to increase their number to five.

Stretching the leg muscles with support

Stand straight next to the support and place one foot on it. Direct both hips to the support, without distortions and bends, straighten both knees.

Raise your arms up and reach for the ceiling. Then, while continuing to stretch the spine up, make a smooth bend towards the leg. Place your hands on your feet and try to lie on your leg with your stomach. Hold the pose for 20-25 seconds, feeling the back of the thigh stretch.

Raise your body and arms and turn to the side. As you inhale, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, bend forward to the supporting leg. Do not bend your knees, try to reach the floor with your hands.

If flexibility is not enough, place your hands on the shin of the supporting leg or slightly higher and stretch your stomach down. Hold this position for 20-25 seconds, and then rise and repeat the element on the other leg.

Back muscle exercise

Get on all fours, place your palms clearly under your shoulders. Lift off the floor and straighten the opposite arm and leg. Keep your neck in line with your back, stretch your crown forward. Hold this position for 25 seconds, then switch legs and arms and repeat.

Exercise for the hips and buttocks while sitting

Sit on the floor next to a chair. Bend your right leg at the knee and put it in front of you, bend your left one and take it to the side. Keep the knee and heel of the supporting leg in line. Place your hands on a chair for support, straighten and lower your shoulders, and straighten your back.

Pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks, tilt your pelvis back and lift the knee and lower leg of your left leg off the floor. Move your raised leg forward and backward in a small amplitude. Keep your back straight and your chest open. Stretch your head towards the ceiling. Perform 25-30 pulsations, then change legs and repeat.

Exercise on the front of the thigh

Get on your knees and raise your arms above your head. While inhaling, slowly lower your pelvis until it touches your heels. With an exhalation, squeeze the buttocks, push the pelvis forward and slowly rise to the starting position. Do it 10 times.

At this point, the complex can be completed. Increase the duration of holding each element by 3-5% per week and dilute the workouts with other exercises. You can find them in the YouTube video.

There is also a list of exercises with a description of the technique in Callanetics in 10 minutes a day.
