Table of contents:

Dynamic warm-up for runners
Dynamic warm-up for runners
Dynamic warm-up for runners
Dynamic warm-up for runners

The colder it gets outside, the more intense you need to warm up before any workout. We have already published an article on stretching during the cold season, which recommended stretching at home before going out, and doing simpler exercises outside. One of the videos in this article was about dynamic warm-up. Today we decided to dwell on this topic in more detail and have selected several videos for you with a simple but effective dynamic warm-up for runners.

The difference between dynamic and static warm-ups

Static warm-up (stretching) for runners - this is stretching the muscle and holding it in this position for a certain time (usually from 10 to 20 seconds).

Dynamic warm-up (stretching) - This is a complex consisting of several exercises that replace each other without delay (perhaps very small, literally for a few seconds).

It is believed that a dynamic warm-up is more effective before starting a workout (especially for runners), but static is an ideal way to relax muscles and ligaments after a run.

The main advantages of a dynamic warm-up are:

  • Muscle elasticity increases.
  • The body temperature rises and, as a result, the muscles work more efficiently.
  • Your heart rate rises, and your cardiovascular system prepares for the next exercise.
  • Your nervous system is getting ready.
  • Movement coordination improves.
  • Reduces the likelihood of injury.
  • Improves hamstring flexibility and quadriceps strength.

Video number 1

Basic dynamic warm-up can consist of these simple exercises:

  • Lunge forward (Warrior Lunge) - Warms up the main muscles, increases the flexibility of the Achilles tendons and increases the mobility of the hips.
  • "Tin soldier" (Toy Soldier) - Warms up the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps.
  • Side lunge (Lateral Lunge) - activates the muscles of the buttocks and adductors.
  • "Touched by a Star" (Star Touch) - Increases hamstring and glute flexibility.
  • Runner's Touch (Runner's Touch) - activates the core muscles and increases the flexibility of the hamstrings and glutes.

All of the above exercises are performed 10 times on each side.

Video number 2

This dynamic warm-up repeats some of the exercises from the first option, but there are also many new ones. All exercises are performed 10 times on each side.

Video number 3

This is a very simple dynamic warm-up that is suitable for warming up before any workout, be it running, cycling, stepping or aerobics.

Video number 4

There are 28 exercises in this video, and you don't have to do all of them. This is especially true of recent exercises with running on straight legs.

Video number 5

And this is a bonus video of a very dynamic warm-up on a treadmill. Do not try to do this on your own without the supervision of a trainer.;)

Have a nice weekend and a productive workout!
